Skype 帮助



    感觉 Happy emoticon? 或遇到 Facepalm emoticon 瞬间? 有时一图道千言。 可在即时消息对话使用 Skype 表情符来活跃气氛,也可将它们添加到你的个人签名,让你的朋友了解你的感受。

    可以通过选择聊天窗口中的笑脸) 或使用键盘快捷方式(一组字符或括号中的特定单词)从 IM 窗口 (的表达式选取器中选择要使用的表情。 将光标悬停在选项板中的表情符上可以看到其键盘快捷方式。 此外,对于带灰色圆点的表情符,你可以在发送之前对其进行个性化设置。 右键单击 (桌面) 或点击并按住 (移动) 表情
    emoticon customizer updated

    有大量的表情图标、 GIF 和贴纸可供选择。



    表情 名称 快捷方式
    Laugh emoticon 大笑 :D :-D :=D :d :-d :=d (laugh) :> :-> (lol) (LOL)
    Grinning face with big eyes emoticon 大眼睛笑脸 (笑脸和比格吉耶斯)
    Happy Eyes emoticon 快乐的眼睛 (happyeyes)
    Beaming face with smiling eyes emoticon 面带微笑的脸 (beamingfacewithsmilingeyes)
    XD smiley emoticon 闭着眼睛笑 (xd)
    Sweat grinning emoticon 流汗笑嘻嘻 (sweatgrinning)
    Roll on the floor laughing emoticon 笑翻 (rofl) (rotfl)
    乐极生悲 (cwl) (cryingwithlaughter)
    Smile emoticon 微笑 :) :-) :=) (smile)
    Upside down face emoticon 脸朝下 (upsidedownface)
    Wink emoticon 眨眼 ;) ;-) ;=) (wink)
    Smile Eyes emoticon 微笑的眼睛 (smileeyes)
    Angel emoticon 天使 (angel)
    In love emoticon 恋爱 (inlove) (love) :] :-]
    heart eyes emoticon 着迷 (hearteyes)
    Star eyes emoticon 星星眼睛 (stareyes)
    Kiss emoticon 亲吻 (kiss) :* :-* :=* (xo)
    Kissing face with smiling eyes emoticon 用微笑的眼睛亲吻脸 (接吻脸和米林眼)
    Cheeky emoticon 顽皮 :P :-P :=P :p :-p :=p (tongueout)
    Face with tongue emoticon 带舌头的脸 (面容)
    Winking tongue out emoticon 眨动吐舌头 (winktongueout)
    Zany face emoticon 扎尼脸 (扎尼法斯)
    Money mouth face emoticon 钱嘴脸 (钱口脸)
    Hugging face emoticon 拥抱的脸 (拥抱脸)
    Giggle emoticon 偷笑 (chuckle) (giggle)
    My lips are sealed emoticon 保密 :x :-x :# :-# :=x :=X :=# (lipssealed)
    Thinking emoticon 思考 (think) :-? :? :=? *-)
    Zipper mouth face emoticon 拉链嘴脸 (拉链嘴脸)
    Wondering emoticon 好奇 :^) (wonder)
    Speechless emoticon 无语 :| :-| :=| (speechless)
    Expressionless emoticon 呆板 (expressionless)
    Face Without Mouth emoticon 没有嘴的脸 (blankface)
    Smirking emoticon 假笑 (smirk)
    Unamused emoticon 不高兴 (unamused)
    It wasn't me emoticon 不是我干的! (wasntme) (wm)
    Grimacing face emoticon 鬼脸 (鬼脸)
    Lying face emoticon 躺着的脸 (躺着)
    Dream emoticon 白日梦 (dream)
    Pensive emoticon 沉思 (pensive)
    Sleepy emoticon |-) I-) I=) (snooze) (sleepy)
    Face with medical mask emoticon 带有医疗掩码的脸 (面带医学掩码)
    ill emoticon 生病 (ill)
    Face with head bandage emoticon 头带人脸 (人脸带)
    Nauseated face emoticon 恶心的脸 (恶心的脸)
    Vomiting emoticon 呕吐 (puke) :& :-& :=& +o(
    Hotface emoticon 热脸 (热脸)
    Cold emoticon 冷得发抖 (shivering) (cold) (freezing)
    Woozy face emoticon 昏昏欲睡的脸 (昏昏欲睡的)
    Exploding head emoticon 头部爆炸 (爆炸头)
    Face with cowboy hat emoticon 带有牛仔帽的脸 (facewithcowboyhat) (牛仔帽脸)
    Party emoticon 聚会 (party)
    Cool emoticon (cool) 8-) 8=) B-) B=)
    Nerdy emoticon 学霸 (nerd) 8-| B-| 8| B| 8=| B=| (nerdy)
    Face with monocle emoticon 具有单声道的人脸 (facewithmonocle)
    Confused emoticon 迷惑 (confused)
    Sad emoticon 悲伤 :( :-( :=( (sad) :<:-<
    Frowning face emoticon 皱眉的脸 (皱眉脸)
    Hushed face emoticon 安静的脸 (安静的脸)
    Surprised emoticon 惊讶 :o :-o :=o (surprised)
    Flushed emoticon 脸红 (flushed)
    Pleading face emoticon 恳求人脸 (恳求脸)
    Frowning face with open mouth emoticon 张开嘴皱眉的脸 (弗罗宁法斯和波彭茅斯)
    Anguished face emoticon 痛苦的脸 (痛苦的脸)
    Fearful emoticon 害怕 (fearful)
    Anxious face with sweat emoticon 焦急的脸与汗水 (焦虑)
    Sad but relieved face emoticon 悲伤但松了一口气的脸 (sadbutrelievedface)
    Cry emoticon 哭泣 ;( ;-( ;=( (cry) :'(
    Loudly crying emoticon 大哭 (loudlycrying)
    Screaming with fear emoticon 害怕的尖叫 (screamingfear)
    Very confused emoticon 非常困惑 (非常混淆的)
    Disappointed emoticon 失望 (disappointed)
    Sweating emoticon 流汗 (:| (sweat)
    Weary emoticon 疲倦 (weary)
    Tired face emoticon 疲惫的脸 (累脸)
    Yawning face emoticon 打哈欠的脸 (打哈欠脸)
    Face with steam from nose emoticon 鼻子里有蒸汽的脸 (facewithsteamfromnose)
    Angry face emoticon 怒气冲冲的脸 (angryface)
    Angry emoticon 生气 (angry) :@ :-@ :=@ x( x-( X( X-( x=( X=( ;@ ;-@
    Swearing emoticon 诅咒 (swear)
    Devil emoticon 恶魔 (devil)
    Angry face with horns emoticon 有角的愤怒的脸 (愤怒的脸与角)
    Skull emoticon 骷髅 (skull)
    Skull and crossbones emoticon 骷髅和十字骨 (头骨和骨)
    Clown face emoticon 小丑脸 (小丑脸)
    Ogre emoticon 怪物 (ogre)
    Goblin emoticon 妖精 (戈布林)
    Ghost emoticon 幽灵 (ghost)
    Alien emoticon 外星人 (外星)
    Alien monster emoticon 外星人怪物 (外星人)
    Smile robot emoticon 微笑的机器人 (smilerobot)
    Smile cat emoticon 微笑的猫 (smilecat)
    Cat with tears of joy emoticon 含着喜悦之泪的猫 (catwithtearsofjoy)
    Heart eyes cat emoticon 心形眼睛的猫 (hearteyescat)
    Cat with wry smile emoticon 带着苦涩微笑的猫 (catwithwrysmile)
    Kissing cat emoticon 接吻猫 (接吻)
    Weary cat emoticon 疲惫的猫 (疲惫的)
    Sad cat emoticon 悲伤的猫 (sadcat)
    Pouting cat emoticon 大嘴猫 (poutingcat)
    Monkey see no evil emoticon 猴子看不到邪恶 (seenoevil)
    Monkey hear no evil emoticon 猴子听到没有邪恶 (hearnoevil)
    Monkey speak no evil emoticon 猴子不说邪恶 (speaknoevil)
    Kissing lips emoticon 亲吻嘴唇 (lips)
    Love letter emoticon 情书 (loveletter)
    Heart with arrow emoticon 带有箭头的心脏 ()
    Heart with ribbon emoticon 带功能区的心脏 (心连心)
    Sparkling heart emoticon 闪亮的心 (sparklingheart)
    Growing heart emoticon 成长的心 (growingheart)
    Beating heart emoticon 跳动心脏 (击败心)
    Revolving hearts emoticon 旋转心 (循环)
    Two hearts emoticon 两颗心 (twohearts)
    Heart button emoticon “心”按钮 (心按钮)
    Heart exclamation emoticon 心感叹 (心脏感叹号)
    Broken heart emoticon 心碎 (brokenheart)
    Heart emoticon 爱心 (heart) <3
    Orange heart emoticon 橙色的心 (orangeheart)
    Yellow heart emoticon 黄色的心 (yellowheart)
    Green heart emoticon 绿色的心 (greenheart)
    Blue heart emoticon 蓝色的心 (blueheart)
    Purple heart emoticon 紫色的心 (purpleheart)
    Brown heart emoticon 棕色心脏 (心眉) (棕色心)
    Black heart emoticon 黑色的心 (黑心) (心黑)
    White heart emoticon 白心 (心白) (白心)
    Hundred points emoticon 百点 (百点)
    Anger symbol emoticon 愤怒符号 (愤怒)
    Explosion emoticon 爆炸 (砰的一声)
    Dizzy symbol emoticon 头晕符号 (头晕)
    Droplets emoticon 液 滴 (液滴)
    Hole emoticon (孔)
    Bomb emoticon 炸弹 (bomb) (explosion) (explode) @=
    Speech bubble emoticon 对话气泡 (speechbubble)
    Eye speech bubble emoticon 眼语音气泡 (eyepeechbubble) (eyeinspeechbubble)
    Left speech bubble emoticon 左语音气泡 (leftspeechbubble)
    Angry speech bubble emoticon 愤怒的语音泡沫 (愤怒的)
    Thought bubble emoticon 思想气泡 (思想)
    Zzz emoticon Zzz (zzz)
    Ukraine heart emoticon 乌克兰心脏 (乌克兰心)

    表情 名称 快捷方式
    Like emoticon (like)
    Happy Face emoticon 快乐的脸 (happyface)
    Hysterical emoticon 异常兴奋 (hysterical)
    Blush emoticon 害羞 :$ :-$ :=$ (blush)
    Relieved emoticon 松口气 (relieved) (whew)
    Dull emoticon 干瞪眼 |-( |( |=( (dull)
    Yawn emoticon 打哈欠 (yawn)
    Doh! emoticon 烦躁 (doh)
    Worried emoticon 担心 (worry) :S :s :-s :-S :=s :=S (worried)
    Mmmm emoticon 嗯嗯嗯嗯… (mm) (mmm) (mmmm)
    Love earth emoticon 爱地球 (loveearth)
    Rainbow smiley emoticon 彩虹笑脸 (rainbowsmile)
    Envy emoticon 嫉妒 (envy)
    Make-up emoticon 化妆 (makeup) (kate)
    Happy emoticon 愉快 (happy)
    Nodding emoticon 点头 (nod)
    Shake emoticon 摇头 (shake)
    Waiting emoticon 等待 (waiting) (forever) (impatience)
    Emo emoticon 臭美 (emo)
    Don't talk to me emoticon 不要跟我说话 (donttalk) (donttalktome)
    Idea emoticon 想法 (idea) :i :I *-:)
    Talk emoticon 交谈 (talk)
    Evil grin emoticon 坏笑 ]:)>:) (evilgrin) (evil) (grin) (eg)
    Banging head on wall emoticon 用头撞墙 (headbang) (banghead)
    Global learning emoticon 全球学习 (learn)
    Listening to headphones emoticon 戴耳机听 (headphones)
    Morning after party emoticon 派对后的早上 (morningafter) (hungover)
    Selfie emoticon 自拍 (selfie)
    Spoiler alert emoticon 剧透 (shock)
    Spoiler alert emoticon 剧透 (llsshock)
    Talk too much emoticon 说得太多

    (ttm) (bla)

    Tired emoticon 疲倦 (tired)
    Bandit emoticon 强盗 (bandit)
    Blessing emoticon 祝福 (nazar)
    Movember emoticon 大胡子 (移动)
    (莫) (11月) (胡子)
    (鲍曼) :{
    Mystery Skype emoticon 神秘 Skype (mysteryskype)
    Day of the dead female emoticon 亡灵节(女性) (dotdfemale) (dotdf)
    Day of the dead male emoticon 亡灵节(男性) (dotdmale) (dotdm)
    Selfie Diwali emoticon 排灯节自拍照 (selfiediwali)
    Diwali selfie emoticon 排灯节自拍照 (diwaliselfie)
    Steve Aoki emoticon Steve Aoki (steveaoki)
    Aoki jump emoticon Aoki 跳 (aokijump)
    Cake throw emoticon 砸蛋糕 (cakethrow)
    Kolony emoticon Kolony (kolony)
    Joy emoticon 快乐 (joy)
    Anger emoticon 愤怒 (anger)
    Sadness emoticon 悲伤 (sadness)
    Disgust emoticon 厌恶 (disgust)
    Fear emoticon 恐惧 (fear)
    Heston facepalm emoticon Heston 捂脸 (hestonfacepalm)
    Heston Blumenthal emoticon Heston Blumenthal (heston)
    Storm trooper emoticon 冲锋队员 (stormtrooper)
    Kylo Ren emoticon 凯洛·伦 (kyloren)
    Captain Phasma emoticon 法斯马队长 (captainphasma)
    malthe emoticon 戴着眼镜的微笑男子 (malthe)
    Lady Vampire emoticon 女吸血鬼 (ladyvamp) (ladyvampire)
    Vampire emoticon 吸血鬼 (vampire)
    Pumpkin emoticon 南瓜 (pumpkin) (halloween)
    Santa emoticon 圣诞老人 (santa) (xmas) (christmas)
    Xmas crying with laughter 圣诞节乐极生悲 (xmascwl)
    Festive party emoticon 节日派对 (festiveparty) (partyxmas)
    Holiday spirit emoticon 假日气氛 (holidayspirit) (crazyxmas) (crazychristmas)
    Surprised Rudolf emoticon 惊讶的鲁道夫 (rudolfsurprise) (rudolphsurprise)
    Rudolf idea emoticon 鲁道夫的创意 (rudolfidea) (rudolphidea)
    Xmas sarcastic emoticon 圣诞节讽刺 (xmassarcastic)
    Xmas cry emoticon 圣诞节哭 (xmascry) (xmascrying)


    表情 名称 快捷方式
    Waving hand emoticon 挥手 (挥手)
    Raised back of hand emoticon 举手 (raisedbackofhand)
    Hand with fingers splayed emoticon 用手指打手 ()
    Raised hand emoticon 举手 (举手)
    Vulcan salute emoticon 瓦肯举手礼 (vulcansalute)
    Ok emoticon 没问题 (ok) (OK) (okay)
    Pinching hand emoticon 捏手 (捏手)
    Victory emoticon 胜利 (victory)
    Crossed fingers emoticon 交叉手指 (交叉填充器)
    Love you gesture emoticon 爱你手势 (爱友情)
    Sign of the horns emoticon 喇叭的符号 (signofthehorns)
    Call me hand emoticon 给我打电话 (调用手)
    Backhand index pointing left emoticon 反手指针向左指 (pointleftindex) (pointleftindexfinger)
    Backhand Index Pointing Right emoticon 反手指针向右指 (pointrightindex) (pointrightindexfinger)
    Backhand Index Pointing Down emoticon 向上指向的后手索引 (backhandindexpointingup)
    Middle finger emoticon 中指 (中指)
    backhand index pointing down emoticon 反手指针向下指 (pointdownindex) (pointdownindexfinger)
    Index pointing up emoticon 指针向上指 (pointupindex) (pointupindexfinger)
    Yes emoticon (y) (Y) (yes)
    No emoticon (n) (no)
    On coming fist emoticon 来拳时 (传入)
    Left facing fist emoticon 左侧拳头 (leftfacingfist)
    Right facing fist emoticon 右对齐的拳头 (rightfacingfist)
    Clapping hands emoticon 拍手 (掌声) (拍手)
    Hands celebrating emoticon 举手庆祝 (celebrate) (celebration) (handsinair) (hia)
    Open hands emoticon 打开手 (手)
    Palms up together emoticon 一起掌上 (palmsuptogether)
    handshake emoticon 握手 (handshake)
    Praying emoticon 祈祷 (祈祷) (祈祷) (纳马斯特)
    Writing hand emoticon 手写 (写手)
    Nail polish emoticon 指甲油 (钉杆)
    Selfie emoticon 自拍 (selfie)
    Muscle emoticon 肌肉 (flex) (muscle)
    Mechanical arm emoticon 机械臂 (机械机)
    Mechanical leg emoticon 机械腿 (机械腿)
    Leg emoticon (腿)
    Foot emoticon (脚)
    Ear emoticon 耳朵 (耳)
    Ear with hearing aid emoticon 助听器助听器的耳朵 (耳和听)
    Nose emoticon 鼻子 (鼻子)
    Brain emoticon 大脑 (大脑)
    Tooth emoticon 齿 (牙)
    Bone emoticon (骨)
    Eyes emoticon 眼睛 (眼睛)
    Eye emoticon 眼睛 (眼)
    Tongue emoticon 舌头 (舌头)
    Mouth emoticon (嘴)
    Ukraine handshake emoticon 乌克兰握手 (乌克兰汉沙克)
    Ukraine pray emoticon 乌克兰祈祷 (乌克兰)

    表情 名称 快捷方式
    Hi emoticon 你好 (wave) (hi) (HI) (bye) (BYE)
    High five emoticon 击掌 (highfive) (hifive)(h5)
    Clapping emoticon 鼓掌 (clap)
    Sarcastic emoticon 讽刺 (sarcastic) (sarcasm) (slowclap)
    Facepalm emoticon 沮丧 (facepalm) (fail)
    Rock emoticon 摇滚 (rock)
    Fingers crossed emoticon 祝你好运 (yn) (fingers) (fingerscrossed) (crossedfingers)
    Listening emoticon 聆听 (listening)
    Wait emoticon 稍等 (wait)
    Relieved emoticon 松口气 (whew) (phew)
    Too much information emoticon 信息太多 (tmi)
    Call emoticon 通话 (call)
    Punch emoticon 出拳 (punch) *| *-|
    Talk to the hand emoticon 我不想听 (talktothehand)
    Whistle emoticon 口哨 (whistle) (seeti)
    Slap emoticon 打耳光 (slap) (thappad)
    Lalala emoticon 不听你的 (lalala) (notlistening)
    Poke emoticon (poke) (nudge)
    Woman of the year emoticon 年度女性 (woty)
    Glass ceiling emoticon 玻璃天花板 (glassceiling)
    Dead yes emoticon 血淋淋的赞 (deadyes)
    Xmas yes emoticon 来自圣诞节的赞 (xmasyes)
    Drop the mic emoticon 丢掉麦克风 (dropthemic)


    表情 名称 快捷方式
    Smile baby emoticon 微笑的婴儿 (smilebaby)
    Smile boy emoticon 微笑的男孩 (smileboy)
    Smile girl emoticon 微笑的女孩 (smilegirl)
    Smile man emoticon 微笑的男人 (smileman)
    Smile woman emoticon 微笑的女人 (smilewoman)
    Woman curly hair emoticon 女人卷曲的头发 (妇女)
    Woman white hair emoticon 女性白发 (女白毛)
    Person white hair emoticon 人白发 (personwhitehair)
    Woman blond hair emoticon 女性金发 (女金发毛)
    Man blond hair emoticon 男人金发 ()
    Dancing gran emoticon 跳舞的老奶奶 (gran)
    Person frowning emoticon 人皱起眉头 (皱眉)
    Man frowning emoticon 男人皱起了眉头 (人皱眉)
    Woman frowning emoticon 女人皱起了眉头 (妇女皱眉)
    Pouting face emoticon 露脸 (嘴脸)
    Man pouting emoticon 男人大口大口地 (管理)
    Woman pouting emoticon 女人大嘴巴 (女人的)
    Face with no good gesture emoticon 没有好手势的脸 (facewithnogoodgesture)
    Man gesturing no emoticon 人手势否 (管理诺托克)
    Woman gesturing no emoticon 女性示意否 (女)
    Person gesturing ok emoticon 人员示意正常 (persongesturingok)
    Man gesturing OK emoticon 人手势确定 (管理)
    Woman gesturing OK emoticon 女性手势确定 (女人估计)
    Person tipping hand emoticon 人员小费手 (个人提示手)
    Man tipping hand emoticon 男子小费手 (手动手)
    Woman tipping hand emoticon 妇女小费手 (女配手)
    Person raising hand emoticon 举手的人 (happypersonraisingonehand)
    Man raising hand emoticon 男子举手 (曼拉辛汉德)
    Woman raising hand emoticon 妇女举手 (女手)
    Deaf person emoticon 聋人 (persondeaf)
    Man deaf emoticon 男子聋人 (mandeaf)
    Woman deaf emoticon 女子聋人 (女人的)
    Person bowing emoticon 人员鞠躬 (鞠躬)
    Bowing emoticon 鞠躬 (bow)
    Thanks emoticon 谢谢 (thanks)
    Person facepalming emoticon 人员面部着色 (人脸)
    Man facepalming emoticon 人脸谱 (管理)
    Woman facepalming emoticon 女性面部着色 (女性脸谱)
    Woman shrug emoticon 女人耸肩 (womanshrug) (wshrug) (fshrug)
    Man shrug emoticon 男人耸肩 (manshrug) (mshrug)
    Man health worker emoticon 男性保健员 (manhealthworker)
    Woman health worker emoticon 女保健员 (womanhealthworker)
    Man graduate emoticon 男性毕业生 (mangraduate)
    Woman graduate emoticon 女毕业生 (womangraduate)
    Man teacher emoticon 男性教师 (manteacher)
    Woman teacher emoticon 女教师 (womanteacher)
    Man judge emoticon 男性法官 (manjudge)
    Woman judge emoticon 女法官 (womanjudge)
    Man farmer emoticon 男性农民 (manfarmer)
    Woman farmer emoticon 女农民 (womanfarmer)
    Man chef emoticon 男性厨师 (manchef)
    Woman chef emoticon 女厨师 (womanchef)
    Man mechanic emoticon 男性机械师 (manmechanic)
    Woman mechanic emoticon 女机械师 (womanmechanic)
    Man welder emoticon 男性焊工 (manwelder)
    Woman welder emoticon 女焊工 (womanwelder)
    Office worker male emoticon 办公室男工作人员 (officeworkermale)
    Office worker female emoticon 办公室女工作人员 (officeworkerfemale)
    Man scientist emoticon 男性科学家 (manscientist)
    Woman scientist emoticon 女科学家 (womanscientist)
    Man techie emoticon 编写代码的人 (男技术) (曼德韦洛珀)
    Woman developer emoticon 编写代码的女士 (女技术员) (女技术员)
    Man singer emoticon 男歌手 (曼辛格)
    Woman singer emoticon 女歌手 (女辛格)
    Man artist emoticon 男性艺术家 (manartist)
    Woman artist emoticon 女艺术家 (womanartist)
    Man pilot emoticon 男性飞行员 (manpilot)
    Woman pilot emoticon 女飞行员 (womanpilot)
    Man astronaut emoticon 男性航天员 (manastronaut)
    Woman astronaut emoticon 女航天员 (womanastronaut)
    Man firefighter emoticon 男性消防员 (manfirefighter)
    Woman firefighter emoticon 女消防员 (womanfirefighter)
    Man police officer emoticon 男性警官 (manpoliceofficer)
    Woman police officer emoticon 女警官 (womanpoliceofficer)
    Detective emoticon 侦探 (侦探)
    Man detective emoticon 男子侦探 (检测)
    Woman detective emoticon 女侦探 (女性检测)
    Man guard emoticon 人卫 (护卫)
    Woman guard emoticon 女警卫 (女警卫)
    Ninja emoticon 忍者 (ninja)
    Construction worker emoticon 建筑工人 (建筑工人)
    Man construction worker emoticon 男子建筑工人 (manconstructionworker)
    Woman construction worker emoticon 女建筑工人 (女建筑工人)
    Prince emoticon 王子 (王子)
    Princess emoticon 公主 (公主)
    Person wearing turban emoticon 戴头巾的人 (人穿着头巾)
    Man wearing turban emoticon 戴头巾的男子 (man_wearing_turban)
    Woman wearing turban emoticon 戴头巾的女人 (女装头巾)
    Man with Chinese cap emoticon 头戴中文帽子的人 (man_with_chinese_cap)
    Woman with head scarf emoticon 头戴围巾的女人 (woman_with_head_scarf)
    Man in tuxedo emoticon 穿着燕尾服的人 (曼图克斯多)
    Woman with veil emoticon 带有面纱的女人 (女人)
    Woman pregnant emoticon 女性怀孕 (womanpregnant)
    Breastfeeding emoticon 母乳喂养 (breastfeeding)
    Woman holding baby emoticon 怀抱婴儿的女士 (womanholdingbaby)
    Man holding baby emoticon 抱着婴儿的男士 (manholdingbaby)
    Baby angel emoticon 婴儿天使 (巴比安格尔) (丘比特)
    Santa emoticon 圣诞老人 (santa) (xmas) (christmas)
    Mrs claus emoticon 克劳斯夫人 (mother_christmas)
    Man super hero emoticon 人超级英雄 (mansuperhero)
    Super mum emoticon 女超级英雄 (英雄) (女人苏佩雷罗)
    Supervillain emoticon Supervillain (超级恶棍)
    Man supervillain emoticon 男子超级恶棍 (曼苏珀维尔兰)
    Woman supervillain emoticon 女子超级恶棍 (妇女苏珀维兰)
    Mage emoticon Mage (mage) (向导)
    Woman mage emoticon 妇女圣人 (女主人) (女主人)
    Fairy emoticon 仙女 (仙女)
    Man fairy emoticon 人仙女 (曼法里)
    Woman fairy emoticon 女人仙女 (女人的)
    Lady Vampire emoticon 女吸血鬼 (ladyvamp) (ladyvampire)
    Hammer Dracula emoticon 锤子德古拉 (德古拉)
    Merperson emoticon 默珀森 (默珀森)
    Merman emoticon 人鱼 (默曼)
    Mermaid emoticon 美人鱼 (美人鱼)
    Elf emoticon 精灵 (精灵)
    Man elf emoticon 人精灵 (manelf)
    woman elf emoticon 妇女精灵 (womanelf)
    Genie emoticon 精灵 (精灵)
    Man genie emoticon 男人精灵 (曼吉尼)
    Woman genie emoticon 女人精灵 (女人基因)
    Zombie emoticon 僵尸 (zombie)
    Person getting massage emoticon 正在按摩的人 (persongettingfacemassage) (facemassage)
    Man getting massage emoticon 正在按摩的人 (管理)
    Getting haircut emoticon 理发 (persongettinghaircut)
    Man getting haircut emoticon 男人理发 (管理毛皮)
    Woman getting haircut emoticon 女人理发 (女人)
    Pedestrian emoticon 行人 (行人)
    Man walking emoticon 正在行走的人 (人行) (曼佩德斯特里安)
    Woman walking emoticon 妇女步行 (女步) (妇女)
    Standing emoticon (站在非二进制) ()
    Man standing emoticon 男子站立 (男子气概)
    Woman standing emoticon 妇女站立 (女性)
    Person kneeling emoticon 人员跪下 (personkneeling)
    Man kneeling emoticon 男子跪下 (曼克奈林)
    Woman kneeling emoticon 妇女跪下 (女人的)
    Person with probing cane emoticon 具有探测 Cane 的人员 (人与probingcane)
    Man probing cane emoticon 探测 Cane 的人 (manprobingcane)
    Woman probing cane emoticon 女性探测 Cane (妇女probingcane)
    Person in motorized wheelchair emoticon 坐在电动轮椅上的人 (personinmotorizedwheelchair)
    Man in motorized wheelchair emoticon 坐在电动轮椅上的人 (maninmotorizedwheelchair)
    Woman in motorized wheelchair emoticon 坐电动轮椅的妇女 (妇女inmotorizedwheelchair)
    Man in manual wheelchair emoticon 手动坐轮椅的男子 (maninmanualwheelchair)
    Woman in manual wheelchair emoticon 手动坐轮椅的妇女 (womaninmanualwheelchair)
    Runner emoticon 转轮 (运行程序)
    Got to run emoticon 快跑 (gottarun) (gtr) (run)
    Running emoticon 跑步 (running)
    Woman dancing emoticon 女人跳舞 (女舞)
    Dancing emoticon 跳舞 (dance) \o/ \:D/ \:d/
    Man in suit levitating emoticon 穿西装的人悬浮 (邀请)
    Persons with bunny ears emoticon 有兔子耳朵的人 (people_with_bunny_ears)
    Men with bunny ears emoticon 有兔子耳朵的男人 (men_with_bunny_ears)
    Women with bunny ears emoticon 有兔子耳朵的女人 (women_with_bunny_ears)
    Person steam room emoticon 人员蒸汽室 (steam_room)
    Man in steamy room emoticon 在热气腾腾的房间里的男人 (man_steam_room)
    Woman steam room emoticon 女子蒸汽室 (woman_steam_room)
    Person climbing emoticon 人员攀爬 (登山者)
    Man climbing emoticon 男子攀岩 (管理)
    Woman climbing emoticon 女子攀岩 (女人陈词滥调)
    Woman fencer emoticon 女击剑运动员 (womanfencer)
    Horse racing emoticon 赛马 (赛马)
    Skier emoticon 滑雪 (滑雪者)
    Snowboarder emoticon 滑雪板 (滑雪板)
    Person golfing emoticon 人打高尔夫球 (高尔夫球手)
    Man golfing emoticon 男子打高尔夫球 (芒果)
    Woman golfer emoticon 女子高尔夫球手 (女高尔弗)
    Person surfing emoticon 人冲浪 (人员冲浪)
    Man surfer emoticon 男子冲浪者 () (msurfer)
    Woman surfer emoticon 女冲浪者 (女冲浪者) () (fsurfer)
    Man rowing boat emoticon 男子划船 (划船)
    Woman rowing boat emoticon 女子划船 (女子划船)
    Man swimming emoticon 男子游泳 (男子旋转)
    Woman swimmer emoticon 女子游泳运动员 (女)
    Person bouncing ball emoticon 人弹跳球 (弹跳球)
    Man bouncing ball emoticon 男子弹跳球 (男子弹弓球)
    Woman bouncing ball emoticon 女人弹跳球 (女子弹球)
    Person lifting weights emoticon 人员举重 (举重运动员)
    Man lifting weights emoticon 男子举重 (举重)
    Woman weight lifter emoticon 女子举重运动员 (女子举重运动员)
    Person biking emoticon 人员骑自行车 (1f6b4_personbiking)
    Bicycle emoticon 自行车 (bike) (bicycle) (sander)
    Woman riding bike emoticon 一位女士骑自行车 (womanridingbike)
    Man mountain biking emoticon 人山自行车 (人山自行车)
    Woman mountain biking emoticon 女子山地自行车 (女子山地自行车)
    Person cartwheeling emoticon 人员推车 (personcartwheeling)
    Man cartwheeling emoticon 人手推车 (手推车)
    Woman cartwheeling emoticon 女推车 (女车)
    Men wrestling emoticon 男子摔跤 (男装)
    Woman wrestling emoticon 女子摔跤 (妇女)
    Man playing water polo emoticon 打水球的人 (玩水波洛)
    Woman playing water polo emoticon 打水球的女人 (女子玩水波洛)
    Man playing handball emoticon 正在玩手球的人 (手球)
    Woman playing handball emoticon 玩手球的女人 (女子手球)
    Man juggling emoticon 人杂耍 (操纵)
    Woman juggling emoticon 女人杂耍 (女混)
    Person in lotus position emoticon 处于莲花位置的人 (莲花)
    Man in lotus position emoticon 处于莲花位置的人 (maninlotusposition)
    Yoga emoticon 瑜伽 (yoga)
    Woman bath emoticon 女性沐浴 (womanbath)
    Person in bed emoticon 床上的人 (人)
    Couple holding hands emoticon 夫妇牵手 (手) (对手) (非binarynonbinaryholdinghands)
    Woman woman holding hands emoticon 妇女牵手 (女女汉手)
    Man woman holding hands emoticon 男士牵手 (女汉汉手)
    Man man holding hands emoticon 男子牵手 (manmanholdinghands)
    Couple kiss emoticon 情侣吻 (接吻) (对子酱) (非二进制的nonbinarykiss)
    Man woman kiss emoticon 男士接吻 (女郎)
    Woman woman kiss emoticon 女人接吻 (女妇女) (女郎)
    Man man kiss emoticon 男人亲吻 (曼曼基斯) (曼曼基辛)
    Couple with heart emoticon 与心同德的夫妇 (对心) (非binarynonbinaryheart)
    Male woman heart emoticon 男性女性心脏 (女心)
    Woman woman heart emoticon 女人的心 (女心)
    Man man heart emoticon 男人的心 (曼曼海特)
    Family emoticon 家庭 (family)
    Family man woman girl emoticon 家庭男女女孩 (家庭女郎)
    Family man woman girl boy emoticon 家庭男女女男孩 (家庭女郎男孩)
    Family man woman boy boy emoticon 家庭男男男男男男 (家庭女男孩)
    Family man woman girl girl emoticon 家庭男女女女孩 (女女郎)
    Family man man boy emoticon 家庭男人男人男孩 (家庭男孩)
    Family man man girl emoticon 家庭男人男人女孩 (家庭女郎)
    Family man man girl boy emoticon 家庭男人男人女孩男孩 (家庭曼吉尔博伊)
    Family woman woman boy emoticon 家庭女男童 (女女)
    Family woman woman girl emoticon 家庭女女生 (女女郎)
    Family woman woman girl boy emoticon 家庭女女生男孩 (女女郎)
    Family woman woman boy boy emoticon 家庭女男男童 (女女男孩)
    Family woman woman girl girl emoticon 家庭女女女孩 (女女郎)
    Family man boy emoticon 家庭男子男孩 (家庭男孩)
    Family man boy boy emoticon 家庭男子男孩 (家庭男孩)
    Family man girl emoticon 家庭男人女孩 (家庭女郎)
    Family man girl boy emoticon 家庭男人女孩男孩 (家庭女郎)
    Family man girl girl emoticon 家庭男人女孩女孩 (家庭女郎)
    Family woman boy emoticon 家庭女男孩 (女)
    Family woman boy boy emoticon 家庭女男孩男孩 (女男孩)
    Mum and daughter emoticon 妈妈和女儿 (mumanddaughter) (womanandgirl)
    Family woman girl boy emoticon 家庭女生男孩 (家庭女郎男孩)
    Family woman girl girl emoticon 家庭女女孩 (女女郎)
    Speaking head emoticon 说话头 (speakingheadinsilhouette)
    Busts in Silhouette emoticon 剪影中的半身像 (布辛西尔豪特)
    Bust in Silhouette emoticon 剪影中的半身像 (布辛西尔豪特)
    Footprints emoticon 脚印 (足迹)

    表情 名称 快捷方式
    Bottle feeding emoticon 奶瓶喂养 (bottlefeeding)
    Man bottle feeding emoticon 进行奶瓶喂养的男士 (manbottlefeeding)
    Busy day emoticon 繁忙的一天 (busyday)
    Man busy day emoticon 男士繁忙日 (manbusyday)
    Woman blow kiss emoticon 女人飞吻 (womanblowkiss)
    Man blow kiss emoticon 男人飞吻 (manblowkiss)
    woman award emoticon 获奖女士 (womanaward)
    Man award emoticon 男士奖 (manaward)
    Woman sign love emoticon 女人示爱 (womansignlove)
    Man sign love emoticon 男人示爱 (mansignlove)
    Love cat (female) emoticon 爱猫(女性) (womanholdingcat)
    Love cat (male) emoticon 爱猫(男性) (manholdingcat)
    Love dog (female) emoticon 爱狗(女性) (womanholdingdog)
    Love dog (male) 爱狗(男性) (manholdingdog)
    Cheerleader emoticon 啦啦队队员 (cheerleader)
    Keep fit emoticon 保持身材 (skip) (skippingrope)
    Synchronized swimming emoticon 花样游泳 (synchswim)
    Suryan Namaskar emoticon 拜日式瑜伽 (suryannamaskar)
    Trampoline emoticon 蹦床 (trampoline)
    muscle and fat guy emoticon 肌肉男 (muscleman)
    Podium emoticon 领奖台 (winner)
    Woman playing basketball emoticon 打篮球的女士 (womanslamdunk)
    Basketball emoticon 篮球 (slamdunk)
    Skate emoticon 溜冰 (skate)
    Woman motorbike emoticon 女士摩托车 (womanmotorbike)
    Man motorbike emoticon 男士摩托车 (manmotorbike)
    Woman playing football emoticon 踢足球的女士 (womanfootball)
    Bartlett emoticon 踢足球的男人 (football) (bartlett)
    pull shot emoticon 击球 (pullshot) (shot) (chauka)
    Bowled emoticon 投球 (bowled) (out) (wicket)
    Falling in love emoticon 坠入爱河 (fallinlove)
    Tennis fail emoticon 打网球输了 (tennisfail)
    Target emoticon 射箭 (target)
    Football fail emoticon 跌倒 (footballfail)
    Man taking a photo emoticon 拍照的男人 (zilmer) (priidu)
    A man and his dog emoticon 男人和狗 (toivo)
    Granny scooter emoticon 奶奶滑板车 (grannyscooter)
    Forever love emoticon 永远爱 (foreverlove)
    Disco dancer emoticon 迪斯科舞星 (disco) (discodancer)
    Bhangra emoticon 邦拉 (bhangra)
    Mariachi love emoticon 墨西哥街头音乐之爱 (mariachilove)
    Skipping emoticon 跳跃 (skipping)
    Man skipping emoticon 男士跳跃 (manskipping)
    Woman emoticon 女人 (woman) (female) (girl)
    Man emoticon 男人 (man) (male) (boy)
    Computer rage emoticon 电脑躁狂症 (computerrage) (typingrage)
    TV binge zombie emoticon 追剧僵尸 (tvbinge)
    Bolly love emoticon 爱的姿势 (bollylove)
    购物女孩 (shopping) (shopper)
    No! emoticon 不! (nahi) (naa)
    Slipper emoticon 拖鞋 (chappal) (slipper)
    Promise emoticon 承诺 (promise) (kasamse)
    Sorry emoticon 抱歉 (kaanpakadna) (sorry) (maafi)
    Witch emoticon 女巫 (witch)
    Zombie emoticon 木乃伊行走 (mummywalk)
    Zombie wave emoticon 僵尸挥手 (zombiewave)
    Stop emoticon 停止 (stop)
    Dad time emoticon 爸爸的陪伴 (dadtime)
    Mom-melo emoticon Mom-mello (hotchocolate)
    Feeling sweet! emoticon 甜蜜的感觉! (cupcake)
    Jane Goodall emoticon 珍·古德 (janegoodall)
    Frost wizard emoticon Frost 精灵 (dedmoroz) (frostwizard)
    Auld emoticon auld (auld)
    Lang emoticon lang (lang)
    syne emoticon syne (syne)
    Xmas woman emoticon 圣诞女人 (xmaswoman)
    Xmas man emoticon 圣诞男人 (xmasman)
    Ant-man emoticon 蚁人 (antman)
    Wasp emoticon 黃蜂女 (amwasp)
    Ant-Man Ghost emoticon 幽灵 (amghost)
    Hank Pym emoticon 汉克·皮姆 (hankpym)
    Flying ant emoticon 飞行蚂蚁 (amflyingant)
    Truck riding emoticon 载重卡车 (amtruck)
    Wasp grow emoticon 黄蜂女变大 (amwaspgrow)
    L3-37 emoticon L3-37 (l3-37) (l337)
    Lando emoticon 兰多 (lando)
    Enfys Nest emoticon 恩菲斯·内斯特 (enfysnest)
    Qi'ra emoticon Qi'ra (qi'ra) (qira)
    Beckett emoticon 贝克特 (beckett)
    Solo emoticon 索罗 (solo)
    Chewie emoticon 丘仔 (chewie)


    表情 名称 快捷方式
    Monkey emoticon 猴子 (猴子) (猿)
    : (|)
    Gorilla emoticon 大 猩猩 (大猩猩)
    Orangutan scratching emoticon 猩猩抓 (猩猩) (猩猩官僚)
    Dog emoticon (dog) :o3 (&)
    Guidedog emoticon Guidedog (引导狗)
    Service Dog emoticon 服务犬 (servicedog)
    Poodle emoticon 贵宾 犬 (狗)
    Wolf Face emoticon 狼脸 (狼脸)
    Fox hug emoticon 狐狸 (foxhug)
    Cat emoticon (cat) (@) (meow) (kitty)
    Lion emoticon 狮子 (lion)
    Tiger emoticon 老虎脸 (虎脸)
    Tiger emoticon 老虎 (tiger)
    Leopard emoticon (豹)
    Horse Face emoticon 马脸 (马脸)
    Horse emoticon (马)
    Unicorn head emoticon 独角兽头 (unicornhead)
    Zebra emoticon 斑马 (斑马)
    Reindeer emoticon 驯鹿 (reindeer)
    Cow Face emoticon 牛脸 (牛脸)
    Ox emoticon (牛)
    Water Buffalo emoticon 水牛 (waterbuffalo)
    Cow emoticon (牛)
    Pig Face Emoticon Pig Face (猪脸)
    Pig emoticon (pig)
    Boar emoticon 野猪 (野猪)
    Pig Nose emoticon 猪鼻子 (pignose) (snout)
    Ram emoticon Ram (拉姆·)
    Lamb emoticon 春天的小羊 (lamb)
    Goat emoticon 山羊 (山羊)
    Camel emoticon 骆驼 (骆驼)
    Two humped Camel emoticon 两个驼峰骆驼 (两个humpcamel)
    Llama emoticon 骆驼 (骆驼)
    Giraffe emoticon 长颈鹿 (长颈鹿)
    elephant emoticon 大象 (elephant)
    Rhinoceros emoticon 犀牛 (犀牛)
    Hippopotamus emoticon 河马 (河马)
    Mouse Face emoticon 鼠标人脸 (鼠标面)
    Mouse emoticon 鼠标 (鼠标)
    Rat emoticon 大 鼠 (鼠)
    Hamster Face emoticon 仓鼠脸 (仓鼠脸)
    Bunny hug emoticon 小兔拥抱 (bunnyhug)
    bunny emoticon 兔子 (bunny) (lovebunny) (rabbit)
    Chipmunk emoticon 花 栗 鼠 (片蒙克)
    Hedgehog hug emoticon 刺猬拥抱 (hedgehoghug)
    Bat smile emoticon 蝙蝠微笑 (batsmile) (bat)
    Bear Face emoticon 熊脸 (熊脸)
    Koala emoticon 考拉 (koala)
    Panda emoticon 熊猫 (panda)
    Sloth emoticon 树懒 (sloth)
    Otter emoticon 水獭 (水母)
    Skunk emoticon 臭 鼬 (臭)
    Kangaroo emoticon 袋鼠 (袋鼠)
    Badger emoticon (个徽章)
    Paw Prints emoticon Paw Prints (爪印)
    Turkey emoticon 土耳其 (火鸡鸟)
    Chicken emoticon (鸡)
    Rooster emoticon 公鸡 (公鸡)
    Hatching Chick emoticon 孵化小鸡 (孵化奇克)
    Baby Chick emoticon 小鸡 (小鸡)
    Front Facing Baby Chick emoticon 正面婴儿小鸡 (frontfacingbabychick)
    Bird emoticon (鸟)
    Dancing penguin emoticon 跳舞的企鹅 (penguin) (dancingpenguin) (penguindance)
    Dove emoticon 鸽子 (鸽子) (鸽子和平)
    Eagle emoticon (鹰)
    Duck emoticon (鸭)
    Swan emoticon 天鹅 天鹅 ()
    Owl emoticon 猫头鹰 (猫头鹰)
    Flamingo emoticon 火烈鸟 (火烈鸟)
    Peacock emoticon 孔雀 (孔雀)
    Parrot emoticon 鹦鹉 (鹦鹉)
    Frog Face emoticon 青蛙脸 (青蛙脸)
    Crocodile emoticon 鳄鱼 (鳄鱼)
    Tortoise emoticon (tortoise)
    Lizard emoticon 蜥蜴 (lizard)
    Snake emoticon (snake)
    Dragon Face emoticon 龙脸 (龙脸)
    Dragon emoticon (龙)
    Dinosaur emoticon 恐龙 恐龙 ()
    Spouting Whale emoticon 喷出鲸鱼 (spoutingwhale)
    Whale emoticon 鲸鱼 (whale)
    Dolphin emoticon 海豚 (dolphin)
    Fish emoticon (fish)
    Tropical fish emoticon 热带鱼 (热带鱼)
    Blowfish emoticon 河豚 (河)
    Shark emoticon 鲨鱼 (鲨鱼) (下巴)
    Octopus emoticon 章鱼 (octopus)
    Spiralshell emoticon 螺旋壳 (螺旋壳) (外壳) (贝壳)
    snail emoticon 蜗牛 (snail) (sn) (SN)
    Butterfly emoticon 蝴蝶 (butterfly)
    Bug emoticon 臭虫 (bug)
    Ant emoticon (蚂蚁)
    Bee emoticon 蜜蜂 (bee)
    Ladybird emoticon 瓢虫 (母鸟) (虫)
    Cricket emoticon 蟋蟀 (cricket)
    Spider emoticon 蜘蛛 (spider)
    Web emoticon Web (web) (蜘蛛网) (蜘蛛网)
    Scorpion emoticon 蝎子 (天体)
    Mosquito emoticon 蚊子 (蚊子)
    Microbe emoticon 微生物 (微生物) (病毒)
    Bouquet emoticon (花束)
    Cherry blossom emoticon 樱花 (cherryblossom)
    White Flower emoticon 白花 (白花)
    Rosette emoticon 玫瑰 (罗塞特)
    Rose emoticon 玫瑰 (rose)
    Wilted flower emoticon 枯萎的花朵 (wiltedflower) (w)
    Hibiscus emoticon 芙蓉 (hibiscus)
    Sunflower emoticon 向日葵 (sunflower)
    Flower emoticon 鲜花 (flower)
    Tulip emoticon 郁金香 (tulip)
    Seedling emoticon 幼苗 (seedling)
    Evergreen tree emoticon 常青树 (evergreentree)
    Deciduous tree emoticon 落叶树 (deciduoustree) (treedeciduous)
    Cactus emoticon 仙人掌 (仙人掌)
    Sheaf of rice emoticon 米饭的希夫 (耳)
    Herb emoticon 药草 (草本)
    Shamrock emoticon 三叶草 (三叶草)
    Good luck emoticon 好运 (goodluck)
    Maple leaf emoticon 枫叶 (枫叶)
    Fallen leaf emoticon 落叶 (落叶)
    Falling leaf emoticon 落叶 (fallingleaf)

    表情 名称 快捷方式
    Penguin kiss emoticon 企鹅吻 (penguinkiss)
    Hug emoticon 拥抱 (hug) (bear)
    raccoon emoticon 浣熊 (raccoon)
    Seal emoticon 海豹 (seal)
    Unicorn emoticon 独角兽 (unicorn)
    Stingray emoticon 黄貂鱼 (stingray)
    Orangutan wave emoticon 猩猩挥手 (orangutanwave)
    Monkey giggle emoticon 咧嘴猴 (monkeygiggle)
    See no evil monkey emoticon 猴子见无邪恶 (seenoevil)
    Hear no evil monkey emoticon 猴子听到没有邪恶 (hearnoevil)
    Speak no evil monkey emoticon 猴子不说邪恶 (speaknoevil)
    Smile monkey emoticon 微笑的猴子 (smilemonkey)
    Heart eyes monkey emoticon 心形眼睛的猴子 (hearteyesmonkey)
    Sad monkey emoticon 悲伤的猴子 (sadmonkey)
    Laugh monkey emoticon 大笑的猴子 (laughmonkey)
    Cool monkey emoticon 炫酷的猴子 (coolmonkey)
    Polar bear emoticon 北极熊 (polarbear) (polarbearhug)
    Moving home emoticon 搬家 (movinghome)
    Donkey emoticon 小毛驴 (donkey) (gadha)
    Love bite emoticon 吻痕 (lovebites)
    Angry red emoticon 愤怒小鸟Red (red)
    Dancing hen emoticon 跳舞的母鸡 (hendance)
    Rock chick emoticon 岩石小鸡 (rockchick)
    Hedgehog emoticon 刺猬 (hedgehog)
    Squirrel emoticon 松鼠 (squirrel) (heidy)
    Acorn emoticon 橡子 (acorn)
    Hungry cat emoticon 饥饿的猫 (hungrycat)
    Ganesh emoticon 象鼻神 (ganesh)
    Bat cry emoticon 蝙蝠哭 (batcry)
    Werewolf howl emoticon 狼人狂吠 (werewolfhowl)
    Snow angel emoticon 雪天使 (snowangel)
    Snegovik emoticon 雪芽 (snegovik) (snowbuddie)
    Ginger keep fit emoticon 生姜让人保持健康 (gingerkeepfit)
    Year of the Monkey emoticon 猴年 () (猴年)
    Year of the fire rooster emoticon 鸡年 (yotfr)
    Year of the dog emoticon 狗年 (yotd)
    Year of the pig emoticon 猪年 (yotp)
    Year of the rat emoticon 大鼠年份 (yotr)
    Porg emoticon 波格鸟 (porg)
    Porg surprised emoticon 大眼萌鸟波尔格 (porgsurprised)
    Chewbacca emoticon 丘巴卡 (chewbacca)
    Shrimp emoticon (虾)
    Squid emoticon 鱿鱼 (鱿鱼)
    Lobster emoticon 龙虾 (龙虾)
    Crab emoticon (蟹)
    Turtle emoticon 海龟 (龟)


    表情 名称 快捷方式
    Grapes emoticon 葡萄 (grapes)
    Melon emoticon (瓜) (cantaloupe)
    Watermelon emoticon 西瓜 (watermelon)
    Orange emoticon 橙子 (orange)
    Lemon emoticon 柠檬 (lemon)
    Banana emoticon 香蕉 (banana)
    Pineapple emoticon 菠萝 (pineapple)
    Mango emoticon 芒果 (芒果)
    apple emoticon 苹果 (apple)
    Green apple emoticon 绿苹果 (greenapple)
    Pear emoticon (梨)
    Peach emoticon (peach)
    Cherries emoticon 樱桃 (cherries)
    Strawberry emoticon 草莓 (strawberry)
    Kiwi fruit emoticon 猕猴桃 (奇异果)
    Tomato emoticon 番茄 (番茄)
    Coconut emoticon 椰子 (椰子)
    Avocado love emoticon 牛油果之爱 (avocadolove)
    Eggplant emoticon 茄子 (aubergine)(eggplant)
    Potato emoticon 马铃薯 (土豆)
    Carrot emoticon 胡萝卜 (胡萝卜)
    Corn emoticon 玉米 (玉米)
    Chili pepper emoticon 辣椒 (辣椒)
    Cucumber emoticon 黄瓜 (黄瓜) (格金)
    Lettuce emoticon 生菜 (生菜)
    Broccoli emoticon 西 兰花 (花椰菜)
    Garlic emoticon 大蒜 (大蒜)
    Onion emoticon 洋葱 (洋葱)
    Mushroom emoticon 蘑菇 (蘑菇)
    Peanuts emoticon 花生 (坚果) (花生)
    Chestnut emoticon 板栗 (栗子)
    Bread emoticon 面包 (面包)
    Croissant emoticon 羊角面包 (croissant)
    Baguette emoticon 面包 (面包)
    Pretzel emoticon 饼干 (pretzel)
    Bagel emoticon 百 吉 饼 (百吉饼)
    Pancake emoticon 煎饼 (煎饼)
    Waffle emoticon 华 夫 饼 (华夫饼)
    Cheese emoticon 奶酪 (cheese) (stink)
    Meat on bone emoticon 骨头上的肉 (肉骨) (阿诺尼库)
    Chicken leg emoticon 鸡腿 (chickenleg)
    Steak emoticon 牛排 (牛排)
    Bacon emoticon 培 根 (熏肉)
    Burgers emoticon 汉堡 (burger)
    Fries emoticon 炸薯条 (fries)
    Pizza emoticon 披萨 (pi) (pizza)
    Hot dog emoticon 热狗 (热狗)
    Sandwich emoticon 三明治 (三明治)
    Taco emoticon 塔科 (玉米饼)
    Burrito emoticon 卷 饼 (布瑞托)
    Pita bread emoticon 皮塔面包 (皮塔布瑞德)
    Falafel emoticon 三明治 (法拉费尔)
    Egg emoticon 鸡蛋 (蛋)
    Cooking emoticon 烹饪 (烹饪) (弗里德格)
    Paella emoticon Paella (paella)
    Stew emoticon (炖) (砂锅)
    Bowl with spoon emoticon 带勺子的碗 (碗宽)
    Salad emoticon 沙拉 (沙拉)
    Popcorn emoticon 爆米花 (爆米花)
    Butter emoticon 黄油 (黄油)
    Salt emoticon (盐)
    Tin can emoticon Tin can (锡罐) (坎贝尔)
    Bento box emoticon Bento 框 (本托)
    Rice cracker emoticon 大米饼干 (米鞭炮)
    Rice ball emoticon 米球 (米球)
    Rice emoticon 水稻 (米)
    Curry emoticon 咖喱 (咖喱) (咖喱)
    Noodles emoticon 面条 (noodles)
    Spaghetti emoticon 意大利 面 (意大利面)
    Sweet potato emoticon 甘薯 (甜锅) (巴塔塔) (yam)
    Oden emoticon 奥登 (oden)
    Sushi emoticon 寿司 (寿司)
    Fried shrimp emoticon 炸虾 (friedshrimp)
    Fishcake emoticon 鱼饼 (鱼饼)
    Moon cake emoticon 月饼 (月饼)
    Dango emoticon Dango (丹戈)
    Dumpling emoticon 饺子 (饺子)
    Fortune cookie emoticon 财富 Cookie (财富)
    Takeout box emoticon 外卖框 (外卖箱)
    Crab emoticon (蟹)
    Lobster emoticon 龙虾 (龙虾)
    Shrimp emoticon (虾)
    Squid emoticon 鱿鱼 (鱿鱼)
    Oyster emoticon 牡蛎 (牡蛎)
    Ice cream emoticon 软冰淇淋 (icecream)
    Shaved ice emoticon 剃须冰 (剃须)
    Ice cream emoticon 冰淇淋 (圣达)
    Doughnut emoticon 甜甜 圈 (甜甜圈) (甜甜圈)
    Cookies emoticon 曲奇 (cookies)
    Cake emoticon 蛋糕 (cake)
    Cake slice emoticon 切片蛋糕 (cakeslice)
    Feeling sweet! emoticon 甜蜜的感觉! (cupcake)
    Pie emoticon (pie)
    Chocolate emoticon 巧克力 (巧克力)
    Candy emoticon 糖果 (糖果)
    Lollipop emoticon 棒 棒 糖 (棒棒糖)
    Custard emoticon 奶油 (蛋黄酱)
    Honey emoticon 亲爱的 (蜂蜜)
    Baby bottle emoticon 婴儿瓶 (婴儿门)
    Milk emoticon 牛奶 (牛奶)
    Coffee emoticon 咖啡 (coffee)
    Tea emoticon (chai) (tea)
    Sake emoticon 为了 (缘)
    Champagne emoticon 香槟 (champagne)(sparkling)
    Red wine emoticon 红酒 (redwine)
    Drink emoticon 饮料 (drink)
    Tropical drink emoticon 热带饮料 (热带干) (果水)
    Beer emoticon 啤酒 (beer) (bricklayers)
    Beer mugs emoticon 啤酒杯 (啤酒) (啤酒)
    Cheers emoticon 欢呼 (cheers)
    Tumbler glass emoticon Tumbler 玻璃 (滚筒) (威士忌)
    Cup with straw emoticon 带稻草的杯子 (cupwithstraw)
    Juice box emoticon “果汁”框 (果汁盒)
    Yerba mate emoticon 耶尔巴伴侣 (耶巴马特 ·) (伴侣)
    Ice cube emoticon 冰块 (冰立方体)
    Chopsticks emoticon 筷子 (杆)
    Dinner emoticon 晚餐 (晚餐)
    Cutlery emoticon 餐具 (餐具) (forkandknife)
    Spoon emoticon 勺子 (勺子)
    Kitchen knife emoticon 菜刀 (厨房代码)
    Amphora emoticon Amphora (amphora)

    表情 名称 快捷方式
    Great pear emoticon 大梨 (greatpear)
    Pizza slice emoticon 披萨片 (披萨片)
    Sweet emoticon 甜点 (laddu)
    Tandoori chicken emoticon 坦都里烤鸡 (tandoori)(tandoorichicken)
    Turkey emoticon 感恩节火鸡 (turkey) (turkeydance)
    Fool emoticon 空锅 (dhakkan) (fool)


    表情 名称 快捷方式
    Earth globe Europe Africa emoticon 地球地球欧洲非洲 (earthglobeeuropeafrica)
    Earth globe Americas emoticon 地球地球美洲 (earthglobeamericas)
    Earth globe Asia Australia emoticon 地球地球亚洲澳大利亚 (地球)
    Globe with meridians emoticon 带经子的环球 (地球人)
    World map emoticon 世界地图 (世界地图)
    Silhouette of Japan emoticon 日本剪影 (剪影)
    Compass emoticon 指南 针 (指南针)
    Snow capped mountain emoticon 积雪封顶的山峰 (雪山)
    Mountain emoticon (山)
    Volcano emoticon 火山 (火山)
    Camping emoticon 富士山 (mountfuji)
    Beach with umbrella emoticon 带雨伞的海滩 (海滩与乌姆布雷拉)
    Desert emoticon 沙漠 (desert)
    Island emoticon 小岛 (island) (ip)
    National park emoticon 国家公园 (国家公园)
    Stadium emoticon 体育场 (体育场)
    Classical building emoticon 古典建筑 (经典建筑)
    Building construction emoticon 建筑施工 (生成构造)
    Bricks emoticon (砖)
    House building emoticon 房屋建筑 (房屋建筑)
    Derelict house emoticon 废弃的房子 (废弃房屋)
    House emoticon 房子 (house) (home)
    House with garden emoticon 带花园的房子 (家庭主妇)
    Office building emoticon Office生成 (officebuilding)
    Post office emoticon 邮局 (日语邮递)
    European post office emoticon 欧洲帖子办公室 (欧洲邮递)
    Hospital emoticon 医院 (医院)
    Bank emoticon 银行 (银行)
    Hotel emoticon 酒店 (酒店)
    Love hotel emoticon Love 酒店 (lovehotel)
    Convenience store emoticon 便利店 (便利存储)
    School emoticon 学校 (学校)
    Department store emoticon 百货公司 (部门存储)
    Factory emoticon (工厂)
    Castle emoticon 城堡 (日播)
    European castle emoticon 欧洲城堡 (欧洲广播)
    Wedding emoticon 婚礼 (婚礼)
    Tokyo tower emoticon 东京塔 (东京塔)
    Statue of liberty emoticon 自由女神像 (statueofliberty)
    Church emoticon 教堂 (教堂)
    Mosque emoticon 清真寺 (清真寺)
    Hindu temple emoticon 印度教寺庙 (印度教)
    Synagogue emoticon 会堂 (犹太教堂)
    Shinto shrine emoticon 神道神社 (shintoshrine)
    Kaaba emoticon Kaaba (kaaba)
    Fountain emoticon 喷泉 (喷泉)
    Tent emoticon 帐篷 (帐篷)
    Foggy emoticon (雾)
    Night with stars emoticon 与星星同在的夜晚 (夜星)
    City scape emoticon 城市景观 (城市景观)
    Sunrise over mountains emoticon 山上的日出 (日出山)
    Sunrise emoticon 日出 日出 ()
    City scape at dusk emoticon 黄昏时分的城市景观 (cityscapeatdusk)
    Sunset over buildings emoticon 建筑物的日落 (日落更新建设)
    Bridge at night emoticon 夜间桥 (bridgeatnight)
    Hot springs emoticon 温泉 () 的热水器
    Carousel horse emoticon 旋转马 (旋转马)
    Ferris wheel emoticon 摩天轮 (轮轮)
    Rollercoaster emoticon 过山车 (过山车)
    Barber pole emoticon 理发杆 (理发师)
    Circus tent emoticon 马戏团帐篷 (马戏团)
    Steam train emoticon 蒸汽火车 (steamtrain) (train)
    Railway car emoticon 铁路车 (铁路)
    High speed train emoticon 高速列车 (高速训练)
    Bullet train emoticon 项目符号列车 (牛皮训练)
    Train emoticon 火车 (客运总成)
    Light rail emoticon 轻轨 (轻轨)
    Station emoticon (站)
    Tram emoticon 电车 (电车)
    Monorail emoticon 单轨 (单轨)
    Mountain railway emoticon 山地铁路 (山铁路)
    Tram car emoticon 有轨电车 (电车)
    Bus emoticon 总线 (总线)
    Oncoming bus emoticon 传入总线 (迎面大巴)
    Trolley bus emoticon 手推车 (手推车)
    Minibus emoticon 小巴 (小巴)
    Ambulance emoticon 急救车 (ambulance)
    Fire engine emoticon 消防车 (消防工程)
    Police car emoticon 警车 (policecar)
    Oncoming police car emoticon 迎面而来的警车 (oncomingpolicecar)
    Taxi emoticon 出租车 (taxi)
    Oncoming taxi emoticon 迎面出租车 (oncomingtaxi)
    Car emoticon 汽车 (car) (au)
    Oncoming automobile emoticon 迎面而来的汽车 (oncomingautomobile)
    Sports utility vehicle emoticon 运动型多功能车 (suv) (越野) (休闲车)
    Truck emoticon 卡车 (truck)
    Articulated lorry emoticon 表达式卡车 ()
    Tractor emoticon 拖拉机 (拖拉机)
    Racing car emoticon 赛车 (赛车)
    Man motorbike emoticon 男士摩托车 (manmotorbike)
    Scooter emoticon 小型摩托车 (scooter)
    Manual wheelchair emoticon 手动轮椅 (手动轮式)
    Motorized wheelchair emoticon 电动轮椅 (摩托化轮式)
    Push bike emoticon 自行车 (pushbike)
    Skate emoticon 溜冰 (skate)
    Bus stop emoticon 总线站 (总线)
    Motorway emoticon 高速公路 (高速公路)
    Railway track emoticon 轨道 (铁路轨道)
    Oil drum emoticon 油鼓 (油)
    Fuel pump emoticon 燃料泵 (燃料池)
    Police car light emoticon 警车灯 (警车)
    Horizontal traffic light emoticon 水平交通灯 (水平)
    Vertical traffic light emoticon 垂直交通灯 (垂直)
    Stop emoticon 停止 (stop)
    Construction sign emoticon 构造标志 (构造分配)
    Anchor emoticon (定位点)
    Sailboat emoticon 帆船 (帆船)
    Canoe emoticon 独木舟 (独木舟)
    Speedboat emoticon 快艇 (快艇)
    Passenger ship emoticon 客轮 (客运)
    Ferry emoticon 渡轮 (轮渡)
    Motor boat emoticon 摩托艇 (摩托艇)
    Ship emoticon (船)
    Plane emoticon 飞机 (飞机) () (飞机) (飞机) (飞机) (飞机)
    Small airplane emoticon 小型飞机 (小型飞机)
    Airplane departure emoticon 飞机起飞 (飞机部件)
    Airplane arriving emoticon 抵达的飞机 (飞机)
    Parachute emoticon 降落伞 (降落伞)
    Seat emoticon 座位 (座位)
    Helicopter emoticon 直升机 (直升机)
    Suspension railway emoticon 挂起铁路 (悬架铁路)
    Mountain cableway emoticon 山地索道 (山路)
    Aerial tramway emoticon 空中有轨电车 (空中通道)
    Satellite emoticon 卫星 (附属)
    Rocket launch emoticon 火箭发射 (launch) (rocket) (shuttle)
    Flying saucer emoticon 飞碟 (飞人)
    Bellhop bell emoticon 贝尔霍普钟 (贝尔霍普贝尔)
    Luggage emoticon 行李 (行李)
    Hour glass done emoticon 小时玻璃完成 (沙格拉斯多内)
    Watch emoticon (观看)
    Alarm clock emoticon 闹钟 (闹钟)
    Stop watch emoticon 停止监视 (秒表)
    Timer clock emoticon 计时器时钟 (timerclock)
    Mantel piece clock emoticon Mantel 分段时钟 (壁炉锁)
    Twelve o'clock emoticon 十二点 (十二oclock) (clock12)
    Twelve thirty emoticon 十二个三十 (十二三) (时钟 1230)
    One o'clock emoticon 一点钟 (oneoclock) (clock1)
    One thirty emoticon 一个三十 (第三) (时钟 130)
    Two o'clock emoticon 两点钟 () (clock2) 的双锁
    Two thirty emoticon 二三十 (第二个第三) (时钟 230)
    Three o'clock emoticon 三点钟 (三锁) (clock3)
    Three thirty emoticon 三三十 (第三三) (clock330)
    Four o'clock emoticon 四点钟 (四锁) (时钟 4)
    Four thirty emoticon 四个三十 (第四) (时钟 430)
    Five o'clock emoticon 五点钟 (5 oclock) (clock5)
    Five thirty emoticon 五三十 (五三十) (时钟 530)
    Six o'clock emoticon 六点钟 (sixoclock) (clock6)
    Six thirty emoticon 六三十 (第六) (时钟 630)
    Seven o'clock emoticon 七点钟 (七) (时钟 7)
    Seven thirty emoticon 七点半 (第七) (时钟730)
    Eight o'clock emoticon 八点钟 (八锁) (时钟 8)
    Eight thirty emoticon 八点半 (第八三) (时钟830)
    Nine o'clock emoticon 九点钟 (9) (时钟 9)
    Nine thirty emoticon 九三十 (第九十三) (clock930)
    Ten o'clock emoticon 十点钟 (tenoclock) (clock10)
    Ten thirty emoticon 十个三十 (第十) (时钟 1030)
    Eleven o'clock emoticon 十一点 (时钟 11) ) (11oclock
    Eleven thirty emoticon 十一三十 (第十一个) (时钟 1130)
    New moon symbol emoticon 新月符号 (newmoonsymbol)
    Waxing crescent moon symbol emoticon 打蜡新月符号 (waxingcrescentmoonsymbol)
    First quarter moon symbol emoticon 第一季度月球符号 (firstquartermoonsymbol)
    Waxing gibbous moon system emoticon 打蜡 gibbous moon 系统 (waxinggibbousmoonsymbol)
    Full moon symbol emoticon 满月符号 (fullmoonsymbol)
    Waning gibbous moon symbol emoticon 正在减弱的胡言乱语的月亮符号 (减弱了吉布斯蒙西姆博尔)
    Last quarter moon symbol emoticon 上个季度的月亮符号 (lastquartermoonsymbol)
    Waning crescent moon symbol emoticon 正在减弱的新月符号 (减弱crescentmoonsymbol)
    Crescent moon emoticon 新月 (新月)
    Thermometer emoticon 温度计 (温度计)
    Sun with rays emoticon 带有光线的太阳 (日光)
    Ringed planet emoticon 环形行星 (土星) (环状行星)
    Star emoticon 星星 (star) (*)
    Glowing star emoticon 发光的星星 (发光之星)
    Shooting star emoticon 流星 (射击明星)
    Milky way emoticon 银河系 (乳白色)
    Cloud emoticon (云)
    Sun behind cloud emoticon 云后的 Sun (sunbehindcloud)
    Cloud with lightning and rain emoticon 云与闪电和雨 (cloudwithlightningandrain)
    Sun behind small cloud emoticon 小云后面的太阳 (sunbehindsmallcloud)
    Sun behind large cloud emoticon 大云后面的太阳 (sunbehindlargecloud)
    Sun behind rain cloud 雨云后面的太阳 (sunbehindraincloud)
    Raining emoticon 下雨 (rain) (london) (st)
    Cloud with snow emoticon 带雪的云 (cloudwithsnow)
    Cloud with lightning emoticon 带闪电的云 (云)
    Tornado emoticon 龙卷风 (cloudwithtornado)
    Fog emoticon (雾)
    Wind face emoticon 风脸 (风斑面)
    Cyclone emoticon 气旋 (气旋)
    Rainbow emoticon 彩虹 (rainbow)
    Closed Umbrella emoticon 关闭的雨伞 (closedumbrella)
    Umbrella emoticon 雨伞 (2602_umbrella)
    Umbrella emoticon 雨伞 (伞) (um)
    Beach umbrella emoticon 沙滩伞 (beachumbrella)
    High voltage emoticon 高压 (高伏) (雷电)
    Snowflake emoticon 雪花 (snowflake)
    Snegovik emoticon 雪芽 (snegovik) (snowbuddie)
    Snowman without snow emoticon 没有雪的雪人 (雪人与)
    Comet emoticon 彗星 (彗星)
    Fire emoticon (fire)
    Droplets emoticon 液 滴 (液滴)
    Water wave emoticon 水波 (水波) (波)

    表情 名称 快捷方式
    Xmas car emoticon 圣诞汽车 (xmascar)
    Rickshaw emoticon 人力车 (rickshaw)(rikshaw) (ricksha)
    Millennium Falcon emoticon 千年隼号 (millenniumfalcon)
    X-wing emoticon X 翼战机 (xwing)
    TIE fighter emoticon TIE 战斗机 (tiefighter)


    表情 名称 快捷方式
    Pumpkin emoticon 南瓜 (pumpkin) (halloween)
    Xmas car emoticon 圣诞汽车 (xmascar)
    Fireworks emoticon 焰火 (fireworks)
    Sparkler emoticon 烟火 (sparkler)
    Dynamite emoticon 炸药 (炸药) (tnt) (鞭炮)
    Sparkles emoticon 火花 (闪闪发光的)
    Balloon emoticon 气球 (气球)
    Party popper emoticon Party poper (partypopper)
    Confetti ball emoticon 纸屑球 (纸屑球)
    Tanabata tree emoticon Tanabata 树 (塔纳巴塔特里)
    Pine decoration emoticon 松树装饰 (松树装饰) (kadomatsu)
    Japanese dolls emoticon 日本娃娃 (日语)
    Carp steamer emoticon Carp 蒸笼 (碳水化合物) (科伊诺博里)
    Wind chime emoticon 风音 (风池)
    Harvest Moon emoticon 收获月亮 (收割月) (苏基米)
    Red envelope emoticon 红包 (redenvelope) (giftenvelope) (angpao) (hongbao)
    Ribbon emoticon 丝带 (功能区)
    Gift emoticon 礼物 (gift)
    Admission tickets emoticon 入场券 (录取通知书)
    Ticket emoticon (票)
    Military medal emoticon 军事奖章 (军事)
    Trophy emoticon 奖杯 (trophy)
    Sports medal emoticon 体育奖牌 (运动医学)
    Gold medal emoticon 金牌 (goldmedal)
    Silver medal emoticon 银牌 (silvermedal)
    Bronze medal emoticon 铜牌 (bronzemedal)
    Soccer Ball emoticon 足球 (soccerball)
    Baseball emoticon 棒球 (baseball)
    Softball emoticon 垒球 (垒球)
    Basketball emoticon 篮球 (basketball)
    Volley ball emoticon 排球 (排球)
    American football emoticon 美式足球 (americanfootball)
    Rugby Ball emoticon 橄榄球 (rugbyball)
    Tennis Ball emoticon 网球 (tennisball)
    Frisbee emoticon 飞盘 (飞盘)
    Bowling Ball emoticon 保龄球 (bowlingball)
    Field hockey emoticon 曲棍球 (fieldhockeystick)
    Ice hockey emoticon 冰球 (icehockeystick)
    Lacrosse emoticon 长曲棍球 (lacrosse)
    Table tennis emoticon 乒乓球 (tabletennisbat) (pingpongbat)
    Badminton emoticon 羽毛球 (羽毛球)
    Martial arts uniform emoticon 武术制服 (军事艺术)
    Goal emoticon 目标 (目标)
    Flag in hole emoticon 插在洞中的旗 (flaginhole) (golfball)
    Ice skate emoticon 溜冰鞋 (冰壳)
    Fishing rod emoticon 鱼竿 (钓鱼棒)
    Diving mask emoticon 潜水掩码 (潜水掩码) (浮潜)
    Running shirt emoticon 正在运行的衬衫 (运行的)
    Ski and skiboot emoticon 滑雪和滑雪板 (skiandskiboot)
    Sled emoticon 雪橇 (雪橇)
    Curling stone emoticon 冰壶石 (冰石)
    Target emoticon 射箭 (target)
    Yo-yo emoticon Yo-yo (yoyo)
    Kite emoticon 风筝 (风筝)
    Pool Eight Ball emoticon 池八号球 (eightball)
    Crystal ball emoticon 水晶球 (水晶球)
    Nazar amulet emoticon 纳扎尔护身符 (纳扎拉穆莱特)
    Games emoticon 游戏 (游戏) (ply) (播放) (playbox)
    Joystick emoticon 操纵 杆 (操纵杆)
    Slot machine emoticon 老虎机 (slotmachine)
    Jigsaw emoticon 拼图 (拼图)
    Hug emoticon 拥抱 (hug) (bear)
    Spades emoticon 黑 桃 (黑桃)
    Hearts emoticon (心)
    Diamonds emoticon 钻石 (钻石)
    Clubs emoticon 俱乐部 (俱乐部)
    Chess pawn emoticon 象棋典当 (棋子)
    Joker emoticon 小丑 (开玩笑的)
    Mahjong emoticon 麻将 (麻将)
    Flower playing cards emoticon 花牌 (花卡) (哈纳瓦达) (hwatu)
    Performing arts emoticon 表演艺术 (戏剧) ) (表演
    Painting emoticon 绘画 (画) (画框) (忍者画)
    Artist palette emoticon 艺术家调色板 (调色板) (艺术家)
    Thread emoticon 线程 (线程)
    Ball of yarn emoticon 纱线球 (纱线) (ballofyarn)

    表情 名称 快捷方式
    American football emoticon 美式足球 (美国足坛) (美国足球)


    表情 名称 快捷方式
    Glasses emoticon 眼镜 (眼镜)
    Sunglasses emoticon 太阳 镜 (太阳镜)
    Goggles emoticon 护目镜 (护目镜)
    Labcoat emoticon Labcoat (实验室大衣)
    Safety vest emoticon 安全背心 (安全性)
    Neck tie emoticon 领口领带 (领口)
    T-shirt emoticon T 恤 (tshirt)
    Jeans emoticon 牛仔裤 (牛仔裤) (牛仔布)
    Scarf emoticon 围巾 (围巾)
    Gloves emoticon 手套 (手套)
    Coat emoticon 外套 (大衣)
    Socks emoticon 袜子 (袜子)
    Dress emoticon 衣服 (礼服)
    Kimono emoticon 和服 (和服)
    Sari emoticon 莎莉 (sari)
    Swimming suit emoticon 泳装 (泳衣)
    Briefs emoticon 内裤 (简报)
    Shorts emoticon 短裤 (短裤)
    Bikini emoticon 比基尼 (比基尼)
    Blouse emoticon 衬衫 (件上衣) (女人的上衣)
    Purse emoticon 钱包 (钱包)
    Handbag emoticon 手提包 (手提包)
    Pouch emoticon (袋)
    购物女孩 (shopping) (shopper)
    Backpack emoticon 背包 (后退)
    Mans shoe emoticon 男鞋 (曼肖)
    Sneaker emoticon 运动鞋 (运动鞋) (教练) (运动鞋)
    Hiking boot emoticon 远足启动 (徒步旅行)
    Womans flat shoe emoticon 女子平底鞋 (女人flatshoe)
    High heels emoticon 高跟鞋 (高跟鞋) (高跟) (高脚跟鞋)
    Womans sandal emoticon 女性凉鞋 (妇女桑达尔)
    Ballet shoes emoticon 芭蕾鞋 (芭蕾鞋)
    Womans boot emoticon 妇女启动 (女人boot)
    Crown emoticon (冠)
    Womans hat emoticon 女人的帽子 (女人沙特)
    Top hat emoticon 顶帽 (tophat)
    Graduate emoticon 毕业 (毕业) (毕业)
    Baseball cap emoticon 棒球帽 (棒球帽)
    Rescue helmet emoticon 救援头盔 (救援帮助)
    Prayer beads emoticon 祈祷珠 () (玫瑰珠) 祈祷珠
    Ring emoticon 戒指 (ring)
    Diamond emoticon 钻石 (diamond)
    Mute emoticon 静音 (静音)
    Speaker emoticon 扬声器 (扬声器) (扬声器)
    Medium volume emoticon 中卷 (扬声器)
    High volume emoticon 大容量 (扬声器高)
    PA loudspeaker emoticon PA 扩音器 (paloudspeaker) (pasystem)
    Megaphone emoticon 扩音器 (扩音器)
    Postal horn emoticon 邮政喇叭 (邮政角)
    Bell emoticon (bell) (ghanta)
    Muted bell emoticon 静音铃 (静音铃)
    Musical score emoticon 音乐乐谱 (音乐分数)
    Music emoticon 音乐 (music)
    Multiple musical notes emoticon 多个音符 (多音乐注)
    Studio microphone emoticon Studio 麦克风 (工作室)
    Level slider emoticon 级别滑块 (级别滑)
    Control knobs emoticon 控制旋钮 (controlknobs)
    Microphone emoticon 麦克风 (麦克风) (麦克风)
    Radio emoticon 无线电 (无线电)
    Saxophone emoticon 萨克斯管 (萨克斯管)
    Musical keyboard emoticon 音乐键盘 (音乐关键板)
    Trumpet emoticon 小号 (小号)
    Violin emoticon 小提琴 (小提琴)
    Banjo emoticon 班卓琴 (班卓)
    Drum emoticon (鼓)
    Phone emoticon 手机 (mp) (ph) (phone)
    Mobile phone with arrow emoticon 带箭头的移动电话 (mobilephonewitharrow)
    Telephone emoticon 电话 (电话)
    Pager emoticon 传呼 机 (寻呼)
    Fax machine emoticon 传真机 (传真)
    Battery emoticon 电池 (电池)
    Electric plug emoticon 电源插头 (电插头)
    Computer emoticon 电脑 (计算机) (笔记本电脑) (个人计算机) (共同) (电脑)
    Computer emoticon 电脑 (桌面计算机) (桌面)
    Printer emoticon 打印机 (打印机)
    Keyboard emoticon 键盘 (键盘)
    Mouse emoticon 鼠标 (计算机)
    Track ball emoticon 跟踪球 (跟踪球)
    Mini disc emoticon 微型光盘 (minidisc)
    Floppy disk emoticon 软盘 (软盘) (软盘)
    CD emoticon CD (cd) (光学)
    Dvd emoticon Dvd (dvd)
    Abacus emoticon 算盘 (算盘)
    Movie camera emoticon 电影相机 (电影摄像机) (电影摄像机)
    Film frames emoticon 电影帧 (电影帧) (电影帧)
    Film projector emoticon 薄膜投影器 (电影项目)
    Movie emoticon 电影 (film) (movie)
    Television emoticon 电视 (电视) (电视)
    Camera emoticon 相机 (1f4f7_camera)
    Camera emoticon 相机 (相机) (照相机)
    Video camera emoticon 摄像机 (videocamera)
    Video cassette emoticon 视频盒 (视频包)
    Magnifying glass left emoticon 左放大镜 (放大镜)
    Magnifying glass right emoticon 放大镜右侧 (放大镜右)
    Candle emoticon 蜡烛 (蜡烛)
    Electric light bulb emoticon 电灯泡 (灯泡)
    Torch emoticon 火炬 (手电筒) (火炬)
    Izakaya lantern emoticon 伊扎卡亚灯笼 (伊扎卡亚兰特恩)
    Diya lamp emoticon 迪亚灯 (diyalamp)
    Decorative notebook emoticon 装饰笔记本 (装饰说明书)
    Red book emoticon 红皮书 (红皮书)
    Open book emoticon 打开书籍 (openbook)
    Green book emoticon 绿皮书 (绿皮书)
    Blue book emoticon 蓝皮书 (蓝皮书)
    Orange book emoticon 橙色书籍 (橙皮书)
    Books emoticon (书籍)
    Notebook emoticon 笔记本 (笔记本)
    Binder emoticon 粘结 剂 (账本) (绑定器)
    Curled page emoticon Curled 页面 (卷曲)
    Scroll emoticon 滚动 (滚动)
    Page emoticon 网页 (页)
    Newspaper emoticon 报纸 (报纸)
    Rolled up newspaper emoticon 汇总报纸 (卷新闻纸) (汇总新闻纸)
    Bookmark tabs emoticon 书签选项卡 (书签)
    Bookmark emoticon 书签 (书签)
    Label tag emoticon 标签标记 (标签标记)
    moneybag emoticon 钱袋 (钱袋)
    Yen emoticon 日元 (日元)
    Dollar emoticon 美元 (美元)
    Euro emoticon 欧元 (欧元)
    Pound emoticon (磅) (英镑)
    Flying money emoticon 飞钱 (飞钱) (资金)
    Credit card emoticon 信用卡 (信用卡)
    Receipt emoticon 收据 (收据)
    Yen graph emoticon 日元图 (日元图)
    Red envelope emoticon 红包 (redenvelope) (giftenvelope) (angpao) (hongbao)
    Email emoticon 电子邮件 (电子邮件)
    Income envelope emoticon 传入信封 (incomingenvelope)
    Envelope with arrow emoticon 带箭头的信封 (信封)
    Outbox emoticon Outbox (外框)
    Inbox emoticon 收 件 箱 (收件箱)
    Package emoticon (包) (包裹)
    Closed mailbox with flag emoticon 带标志的关闭邮箱 (closedmailboxwithflag)
    Closed mailbox emoticon 已关闭的邮箱 (关闭的邮箱)
    Open mailbox with flag emoticon 打开带有标志的邮箱 (openmailboxwithflag)
    Open mailbox emoticon 打开邮箱 (openmailbox)
    Post box emoticon “邮箱” (邮箱)
    Ballot box emoticon 投票箱 (投票箱)
    Pencil emoticon 铅笔 (铅笔)
    Black nib emoticon 黑色 nib (黑尼布)
    Fountain pen emoticon 钢笔 (喷泉)
    Ball point pen emoticon 球点笔 (ballpointpen)
    Paint brush emoticon 画图画笔 (画笔)
    Crayon emoticon 蜡笔 (蜡笔)
    Memo emoticon 备忘录 (备忘录)
    Briefcase emoticon 公文包 (公文包)
    Folder emoticon 文件夹 (文件夹)
    Open folder emoticon 打开文件夹 (openfolder)
    Folder dividers emoticon 文件夹分隔符 (文件夹)
    Calendar emoticon 日历 (1f4c5_calendar)
    Tear off calendar emoticon 拆掉日历 (拆卸标)
    Spiral notepad emoticon 螺旋记事本 (螺旋注板)
    Rolodex emoticon Rolodex (rolodex)
    Positive graph emoticon 正图 (正图) (上升趋势)
    Negative graph emoticon 负图 (负图) (下趋势)
    Bar chart emoticon 条形图 (条形图) (条形图)
    Clipboard emoticon 剪贴 板 (剪贴板)
    Pin emoticon (固定) (图钉)
    Pin emoticon (mappin) (roundpin) (roundpushpin)
    Paperclip emoticon Paperclip (剪贴 (剪贴)
    Paper clips emoticon 回形针 (剪纸)
    Ruler emoticon 统治者 (规则)
    Triangular ruler emoticon 三角标尺 (三角鲁勒)
    Scissors emoticon 剪刀 (剪刀)
    File box emoticon 文件框 (文件箱)
    Filing cabinet emoticon 归档柜 (归档卡宾特)
    Trash bin emoticon 垃圾箱 (垃圾箱) (垃圾箱) (笼) (垃圾桶)
    Locked emoticon (锁) (闭锁) (封闭式锁)
    Unlocked emoticon 解 锁 ) (openpadlock) (openpadlock) 解锁 (
    Locked with pen emoticon 用笔锁定 (lockwithpen) (lockedwithpen)
    Lock and key emoticon 锁定和密钥 (lockandkey)
    Key emoticon 钥匙 (key)
    Old key emoticon 旧密钥 (老钥匙)
    Hammer emoticon (锤)
    Axe emoticon 斧头 (轴)
    Pick emoticon 选择 (选取)
    Hammer and pick emoticon 锤子和选取 (锤)
    Hammer and wrench emoticon 锤子和扳手 (哈默兰德伦奇)
    Dagger emoticon 匕首 (剑)
    Swords emoticon (剑)
    Water pistol emoticon 水手枪 (手枪) (水皮斯托)
    Bow and arrow emoticon 弓箭头 (bowandarrow)
    Shield emoticon 屏蔽 (防护)
    Wrench emoticon 扳手 (扳手)
    Bolt emoticon 螺栓 (bolt) (nutandbolt)
    Cog emoticon 齿轮 (齿轮) (齿轮)
    Clamp emoticon (夹)
    Scales emoticon 尺度 (缩放)
    Probing cane emoticon 探测 Cane (探测扫描)
    Link emoticon 链接 (链接)
    Chains emoticon (链)
    Toolbox emoticon 工具箱 (工具箱)
    Magnet emoticon 磁铁 (磁铁)
    Alembic emoticon Alembic ()
    Test tube emoticon 测试管 (testtube)
    Petri dish emoticon 彼得里菜 (娇小的)
    DNA emoticon DNA (dna)
    Microscope emoticon 显微镜 (显微镜)
    Telescope emoticon 望远镜 (望远镜)
    Satellite antenna emoticon 卫星天线 (satelliteantenna)
    Syringe emoticon 注射器 (注射器)
    Blood drop emoticon 血滴 (血滴)
    Pill emoticon (药丸)
    Plaster emoticon 石膏 (石膏) (粘合带)
    Stethoscope emoticon 听诊器 (听诊器)
    Door emoticon (门)
    Mirror emoticon 镜子 (镜像)
    Bed emoticon (床)
    Couch and lamp emoticon 沙发和灯 (沙发兰)
    Chair emoticon 椅子 (椅子)
    Shower emoticon 淋浴 (淋浴)
    Bath tub emoticon 浴缸 (浴缸)
    Razor emoticon 剃刀 (剃须刀)
    Lotion emoticon 化妆水 (化妆水)
    Safety pin emoticon 安全引脚 (安全固定)
    Broom emoticon 扫帚 (扫把)
    Laundry basket emoticon 洗衣篮 (篮)
    Toilet paper emoticon 卫生纸 (卫生纸)
    Soap emoticon 肥皂 (肥皂)
    Sponge emoticon 海绵 (海绵)
    Fire extinguisher emoticon 灭火器 (fireextinguisher)
    Shopping trolley emoticon 购物推车 (手推车) (车)
    Coffin emoticon 棺材 (棺材)
    Funeral urn emoticon 葬礼 urn (葬礼)
    Moyai emoticon Moyai (moyai) (eastislandstatue)

    表情 名称 快捷方式
    BB-8 emoticon BB-8 (bb8)
    BB-9E emoticon BB-9E (bb9e)
    Xmas heart emoticon 圣诞节心 (xmasheart)
    Web heart emoticon 心形网 (webheart)
    Wind turbine emoticon 风力涡轮机 (windturbine)
    Tumbleweed emoticon 风滚草 (tumbleweed)
    You have mail emoticon 你有来信 (mail)
    Who's this emoticon 这是谁? (whosthis)
    Can't unsee emoticon 无法忘却 (unsee)
    Can you talk emoticon 有空聊聊吗 (canyoutalk)
    Time emoticon 时间 (time) (clock)
    Bomb emoticon 炸弹 (bomb) (explosion) (explode) @=
    Confidential emoticon 保密 (confidential)
    Piggy bank emoticon 储钱罐 (piggybank)
    Sparkler emoticon 烟火 (sparkler)
    Fireworks emoticon 焰火 (fireworks)
    Holi emoticon 洒红节 (holi) (rang)
    Eid emoticon 古尔邦节 (eid)
    Tealight emoticon 茶烛 (diwali) (diya)
    Dreidel emoticon 光明节陀螺 (dreidel)
    Hanukkah emoticon 光明节 (hanukkah) (menorah)
    Stone wall 50 emoticon 石墙 50 (石墙 50icon)


    表情 名称 快捷方式
    ATM emoticon ATM (atm)
    Litter in bin emoticon 垃圾箱中的垃圾 (垃圾) (垃圾箱)
    Water tap emoticon 水龙头 (水tap)
    Wheelchair symbol emoticon 轮椅符号 (轮椅)
    Mens symbol emoticon 男士符号 (menssymbol)
    Womans symbol emoticon 女性符号 (女性)
    Restroom emoticon 厕所 (洗手间) (浴室)
    Baby symbol emoticon 婴儿符号 (babysymbol)
    Water closet emoticon 水壁橱 (wc) (水箱)
    Passport control emoticon Passport 控件 (passportcontrol)
    Customs emoticon 海关 (海关)
    Baggage claim emoticon 行李 (行李认领)
    Left luggage emoticon 左侧行李 (leftluggage)
    Warning emoticon 警告 (警告)
    Children crossing emoticon 儿童穿越 (儿童交叉)
    No entry emoticon 无条目 (无)
    Prohibited emoticon 禁止 (禁止)
    No bicycles emoticon 无自行车 (nobicycles)
    No smoking emoticon 禁烟 (禁烟)
    No littering emoticon 无乱扔垃圾 (节点)
    No water emoticon 无水 (无水)
    No pedestrians emoticon 没有行人 (nopedestrians)
    No mobile phones emoticon 没有移动电话 (nomobile) (nophone)
    No one under eighteen emoticon 十八岁以下的人 (noundereighteen) (nounder18)
    Radioactive emoticon 放射性 (放射性)
    Biohazard emoticon 生化 (生物危害)
    Up arrow emoticon 向上箭头 (向上)
    Up right arrow emoticon 向右箭头向上 (直立) (东北)
    Right arrow emoticon 向右箭头 (rightarrow)
    Down right arrow emoticon 向下向右箭头 (直立) (东南)
    Down arrow emoticon 向下箭头 (下拉)
    Down left arrow emoticon 向左向下箭头 () (西南)
    Left arrow emoticon 向左箭头 (左臂)
    Up left arrow emoticon 向左箭头向上 (upleftarrow) (西北)
    Up down arrow emoticon 向上向下箭头 (updownarrow)
    Left right arrow emoticon 向左箭头 (leftrightarrow)
    Curving left arrow emoticon 向左弯曲箭头 (curvingleftarrow)
    Curving right arrow emoticon 向右弯曲箭头 (曲线直立)
    Arrow curving up emoticon 箭头向上弯曲 (箭头)
    Arrow curving down emoticon 向下弯曲箭头 (箭头向下)
    Clockwise vertical arrows emoticon 顺时针垂直箭头 (repeatverticalbutton)
    Refresh emoticon 刷新 (刷新) (逆时针)
    Back arrow emoticon 后箭头 (backarrow)
    End arrow emoticon 结束箭头 (endarrow)
    On! Arrow emoticon 打开! 箭头 (onarrow)
    Soon arrow emoticon 很快箭头 (很快)
    Top arrow emoticon 顶部箭头 (麻雀)
    Place of worship emoticon 礼拜场所 (placeofworship)
    Atom emoticon 原子 (原子)
    Om emoticon Om (om)
    Star of david emoticon 大卫之星 (starofdavid)
    Wheel of dharma emoticon dharma 的轮子 (wheelofdharma) (helm)
    Yin yang emoticon 阴阳 (阴阳)
    Latin cross emoticon 拉丁文十字架 (拉丁十字)
    Orthodox cross emoticon 东正教十字架 (正统交叉)
    Star and crescent emoticon 星形和新月 (星形)
    Peace emoticon 和平 (和平)
    Menorah button emoticon Menorah 按钮 (梅诺拉布顿)
    Star with dot emoticon 带点的星形 (星形)
    Aries emoticon 白羊座 (aries)
    Taurus emoticon 金牛 座 (金牛座)
    Gemini emoticon 双子 座 (双子座)
    Cancer emoticon 癌症 (癌症)
    Leo emoticon 利 奥 (狮子座)
    Virgo emoticon 处女 座 (处女座)
    Libra emoticon 天秤座 (天)
    Scorpio emoticon 天蝎座 (天体)
    Sagittarius emoticon 射手 座 (射手座)
    Capricorn emoticon 摩羯座 (魔兽)
    Aquarius emoticon 水瓶 座 (水瓶座)
    Pisces emoticon (双鱼座)
    Ophiuchus emoticon Ophiuchus (ophiuchus)
    Shuffle button emoticon “洗牌”按钮 (洗牌)
    Repeat button emoticon “重复”按钮 (重复按钮)
    Repeat single button emoticon 重复单个按钮 (repeatsinglebutton)
    Play button emoticon “播放”按钮 (playbutton)
    Fast forward button emoticon 快进按钮 (fastforwardbutton)
    Next track button emoticon “下一步跟踪”按钮 (nexttrackbutton)
    Play or pause button emoticon “播放或暂停”按钮 (播放暂停) (playpausebutton)
    Reverse button emoticon 反向按钮 (反向按钮)
    Rewind button emoticon “倒带”按钮 () 的倒带按钮
    Last track button emoticon 上一个跟踪按钮 (lasttrackbutton)
    Up button emoticon “向上”按钮 (向上按钮)
    Fast up button emoticon “快速启动”按钮 (fastupbutton)
    Button down small emoticon 按下小按钮 (向下按钮)
    Fast down button emoticon “快速下拉”按钮 (fastdownbutton)
    Pause button emoticon “暂停”按钮 (pausebutton)
    Stop button emoticon “停止”按钮 (stopbutton)
    Record button emoticon “记录”按钮 (recordbutton)
    Eject button emoticon “弹出”按钮 (弹射按钮)
    Cinema emoticon 电影院 (电影按钮)
    Low brightness emoticon 低亮度 (低光度)
    High brightness emoticon 高亮度 (高光度)
    Signal strength emoticon 信号强度 () (mobilesignalstrength)
    Vibration mode emoticon 振动模式 (振动模式) (mobilevibrate)
    Mobile phone off emoticon 移动电话关闭 (mobileoff)
    Female sign emoticon 女性符号 (女性赋值) (金星)
    Male sign emoticon 男性符号 (雄性符号) (火星)
    Transgender Symbol emoticon 变性符号 (变性者) (变性签名)
    Multiplication sign emoticon 乘法符号 (乘法分配) (时间分配)
    Plus sign emoticon 加号 (plussign) (addsign)
    Minus sign emoticon 减号 (减去) (子分包)
    Division sign emoticon 除法符号 (除分配) (除符号)
    Infinity emoticon 无限 (无穷大)
    Double exclamation emoticon 双重感叹 (邦邦) ) (双重感叹号
    Question mark emoticon 问号 (问号)
    White question mark emoticon 白色问号 (白查询标记)
    White exclamation mark emoticon 白色感叹号 (白色感叹号)
    Exclamation mark emoticon 感叹 号 (感叹号)
    Wavy dash emoticon 波浪短划线 (wavydash)
    Currency exchange emoticon 货币兑换 (货币换)
    Cash emoticon 钞票 (cash) ($)
    Medical symbol emoticon 医疗符号 (医学)
    Recycle emoticon 回收 (recycle)
    Fleur de lis emoticon Fleur de lis (弗勒德利斯) (侦察员)
    Trident emoticon 三叉戟 (三叉星)
    Name badge emoticon 名称徽章 (namebadge) (nametag)
    Beginner emoticon 初学者 (初学者) (shoshinsha)
    Red ring emoticon 红环 (重新)
    Checkmark button emoticon “复选标记”按钮 (checkmarkbutton)
    Checkbox emoticon 复选框 (复选框)
    Checkmark emoticon 复选标记 (复选标记)
    Crossmark emoticon 交叉标记 (交叉标记)
    Cross mark button emoticon 交叉标记按钮 (交叉标记按钮)
    Curly loop emoticon Curly 循环 (卷曲)
    Double curly loop emoticon 双卷曲循环 (双循环)
    Part alternation mark emoticon 部分交替标记 (partalternationmark)
    Asterisk emoticon 星号 (星号)
    Star button emoticon 星形按钮 (星扣)
    Sparkle emoticon 火花 (闪闪发光的)
    Copyright emoticon 版权 (版权)
    Registered emoticon 注册 已注册 ()
    Trademark emoticon 商标 (商标) (tm)
    Keycap number emoticon Keycap 编号 (keycapnumber) (keycaphash) (keycappound) (keycapnumbersign)
    Keycap asterisk emoticon Keycap 星号 (keycapasterisk) (keycapstar) (keycapnumberasterisk)
    Keycap zero emoticon Keycap 零 (keycapzero) (keycapdigitzero)
    Keycap one emoticon Keycap one (keycapone) (keycapdigitone)
    Keycap two emoticon Keycap 二 (keycaptwo) (keycapdigittwo)
    Keycap three emoticon Keycap 三 (keycapthree) (keycapdigitthree)
    Keycap four emoticon Keycap 四 (keycapfour) (keycapdigitfour)
    Keycap five emoticon Keycap 5 (keycapfive) (keycapdigitfive)
    Keycap six emoticon Keycap 六 (keycapsix) (keycapdigitsix)
    Keycap seven emoticon Keycap 七 (keycapseven) (keycapdigitseven)
    Keycap eight emoticon Keycap 8 (keycapeight) (keycapdigiteight)
    Keycap nine emoticon Keycap 九 (keycapnine) (keycapdigitnine)
    Keycap ten emoticon Keycap 十 (密钥封)
    Uppercase emoticon 大写 (大写)
    Lowercase emoticon 小写 (小写)
    Numbers emoticon 数字 (数字)
    Symbols emoticon 符号 (符号)
    Letters emoticon 字母 (字母)
    Blood type A emoticon 血型 A (血型)
    Blood type AB emoticon 血型 AB (ab)
    Blood type B emoticon 血型 B (血型)
    Clear emoticon 清楚 (清) (cl)
    Cool emoticon (冷按钮)
    Free emoticon 自由 (免费)
    Information emoticon 信息 (信息) (信息)
    ID emoticon ID (ID)
    Circled M emoticon 带圆圈 M (圆圈)
    New emoticon 新增 (新)
    NG emoticon 议员 (ng)
    Blood type O emoticon 血型 O (血型)
    OK emoticon 没问题 (okbutton)
    Parking emoticon 停车 (停车)
    SOS emoticon SOS (sos)
    UP! Button emoticon 向上! 按钮 (按钮) (上按钮)
    VS emoticon (与)
    Here emoticon 这里 (此处)
    Service charge emoticon 服务费用 (服务充值)
    Monthly amount emoticon 每月金额 每月 ()
    Not free of charge emoticon 不免费 (notfreeofcharge)
    Reserved emoticon 保留 (保留)
    Bargain emoticon 讨价还价 (便宜)
    Discount emoticon 折扣 (折扣)
    Free of charge emoticon 免费 (免费)
    Prohibited emoticon 禁止 (禁止)
    Accept emoticon 接受 (接受)
    Application emoticon 应用 (应用程序)
    Agreement emoticon 协议 (协议)
    Vacancy emoticon 空缺 (空缺)
    Congratulations emoticon 祝贺 (祝贺)
    Secret emoticon 秘密 (机密)
    Open for business emoticon 开放商业版 (openforbusiness)
    No vacancy emoticon 无空缺 (新手)
    Red circle emoticon 红色圆圈 ()
    Orange circle emoticon 橙色圆圈 (橙圆)
    Yellow circle emoticon 黄色圆圈 (黄圆)
    Green circle emoticon 绿色圆圈 (绿冰)
    Blue circle emoticon 蓝色圆圈 (蓝圆)
    Purple circle emoticon 紫色圆圈 (紫圆)
    Brown circle emoticon 棕色圆圈 (棕色圆)
    Black circle emoticon 黑色圆圈 (黑圆)
    White circle emoticon 白色圆圈 (白圆)
    Red square emoticon 红色方块 (redsquare)
    Orange square emoticon 橙色方形 (橙子)
    Yellow square emoticon 黄色方形 (黄石)
    Green square emoticon 绿色方块 (青花)
    Blue square emoticon 蓝色方形 (蓝调)
    Purple square emoticon 紫色方形 (紫色)
    Brown square emoticon 棕色正方形 (棕色)
    Large black square emoticon 大型黑色正方形 (largeblacksquare)
    Large white square emoticon 大型白色正方形 (大型白石)
    Medium black square emoticon 中等黑色方块 (mediumblacksquare)
    Medium white square emoticon 中白色正方形 (mediumwhitesquare)
    Medium small black square emoticon 中小黑色方块 (mediumsmallblacksquare)
    Medium small white square emoticon 中小白色方块 (mediumsmallwhitesquare)
    Small black square emoticon 黑色小方块 (smallblacksquare)
    Small white square emoticon 白色小方块 (smallwhitesquare)
    Large orange diamond emoticon 大橙色钻石 (橙子)
    Large blue diamond emoticon 大蓝色钻石 (大蓝迪亚蒙德)
    Small orange diamond emoticon 小橙色钻石 (斯莫兰吉迪亚蒙德)
    Small blue diamond emoticon 小型蓝色钻石 (小蓝迪亚蒙德)
    Red triangle up emoticon 红色三角形向上 (redtriangleup)
    Red triangle down emoticon 红色三角形向下 (重新纠缠的)
    Diamond flower emoticon 钻石花 (菱花) (川)
    Radio button emoticon 单选按钮 (无线电按钮)
    White square button emoticon 白色方形按钮 (白石)
    Black square button emoticon “黑色方形”按钮 (blacksquarebutton)
    Blue Ribbon emoticon 蓝丝带 (功能区蓝)
    Red Ribbon emoticon 红丝带 (功能区)
    Black Ribbon emoticon 黑丝带 (功能区黑)
    Pink Ribbon emoticon 粉丝带 (功能区)
    Green Ribbon emoticon 绿丝带 (功能区)
    Purple Ribbon emoticon 紫丝带 (功能区用途)
    Orange Ribbon emoticon 橙丝带 (功能区)

    表情 名称 快捷方式
    Pride heart emoticon 骄傲的心 (骄傲心)
    I heart you emoticon 我心中有你 (iheartu)
    Yellow Ribbon emoticon 黄丝带 (功能区)
    Pride ribbon emoticon 骄傲功能区 (功能区)
    Be right back emoticon 马上回来 (brb) (berightback)
    What's going on emoticon 发生了什么事? (whatsgoingon) (!!?)
    Confusion emoticon 旋转轮 (golmaal)
    What! emoticon 什么! (kya)
    Oye emoticon Oye (oye)
    Abe emoticon Abe (abe) (abey)
    Mum heart emoticon 母爱之心 (mumheart) (momheart)


    表情 名称 快捷方式
    Microsoft Access emoticon 访问 (access)
    Bing emoticon 必应 (bing)
    Drunk emoticon 醉了 (drunk)
    Microsoft Excel emoticon Excel (excel)
    Finger emoticon 手指 (finger)
    Groupme emoticon groupme (groupme)
    Internet Explorer emoticon internetexplorer (internetexplorer)
    chirag emoticon chirag (奇拉格)
    Microsoft emoticon Microsoft (microsoft)
    Mooning emoticon 露臀 (mooning)
    Neil emoticon neil (neil)
    Oliver emoticon 奥利弗 (oliver)
    Microsoft OneDrive emoticon OneDrive (onedrive)
    Microsoft OneNote emoticon OneNote (onenote)
    On the loo emoticon ontheloo (ontheloo)
    Microsoft Outlook emoticon Outlook (outlook)
    Pool party emoticon 泳池派对 (poolparty)
    Poop emoticon 大便 (poop)
    Microsoft PowerPoint emoticon PowerPoint (powerpoint)
    Microsoft Publisher emoticon Publisher (publisher)
    Santa mooning emoticon 圣诞老人脱裤子 (santamooning)
    SharePoint emoticon Sharepoint (sharepoint)
    Sheep emoticon (sheep)
    Skill emoticon 技能 (彼得·) (技能)
    Skype emoticon Skype (skype)
    Skype for Business emoticon skypebiz (skypebiz)
    Smoke emoticon 烟雾 (smoke)
    Tauri emoticon tauri (tauri)
    Windows 10 emoticon win10 (win10)
    Microsoft Word emoticon Word (word)
    WTF emoticon wtf (wtf)
    Xbox logo emoticon Xbox (xbox)
    Teams emoticon Teams (Teams)
    Yammer emoticon Yammer (Yammer)

    重要提示! 本文使用机器翻译,而非人工翻译。 有关本文的详细信息。 Skype 对帮助使用机器翻译,将提供多种语言的支持文章。 这些机器翻译的文章可能包含语法错误、错误句法或错误措辞,例如母语人士不会使用的措辞。 Skype 对由于错误翻译的内容或因客户使用此内容而导致的任何不准确、错误或损害概不负责。

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